The most interesting thing I’ve done as a LocalGuide: Share passion for a better world through lists

I am a Local Guide from the begin of the Local Guides program. There were a lot of changes in these four years. In Google Maps, in the Local Guides program as well as for me personally.

I started with some edits. It was a lot of fun for me to see how my real world was more and more digitally reproduced. Then I realized that there are also many others who are involved in this platform. So, I started to make friends worldwide. And my friends have influenced me, too. I started to see the world with different eyes. For example, I now take a closer look at accessibility when I visit a place.

One topic that has always interested me is the responsibility for our earth. Do we only take what we want, or do we carefully consider what we leave to our children? My actions always have an impact. As a Local Guide I can share my knowledge and support others to find resources to make daily life more sustainable and conscious.

I try to pay attention to the following four points:


Everyone can avoid or at least reduce packaging waste by buying basic foodstuffs unpackaged. The best place to do this is at the market or in special shops that offer this.


It is even better, of course, if the food has not come a long way. Therefore, I try to buy as much as possible from the nearest surroundings.


Organic is healthy, but also resource friendly. Organic labels indicate that farming uses only limited amounts of fertilizer, that animal husbandry is compatible and that organisms are not genetically modified.


Whether producer, trader or customer - everyone wants to be treated fairly and not be ripped off. At the end of the day, we have no short-term profit thinking. We can only achieve this by treating each other in an appreciative, fair and just manner.

Lists are the ideal way to collect and share all available information like places, pictures, descriptions and hints.


Hello, @LudwigGermany

Thank you for sharing your interesting points. I agree with you and especially I prefer Fair and Regional things. I hope we will be able to share these points via Google Maps from now on:-)

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Hi @LudwigGermany ,

very important thing you shared, the responsibility for our hearth, many times this topic doesn’t have the required awareness.

Thank you for sharing your point of view as Local Guide and good luck :blush: .

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Grat @LudwigGermany .Would love to meet you if I go Germany. Guten Tag.

Just tell me when you are here :smiley:

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Ja Sicher

Hallo @LudwigGermany Ich sehe das genauso. Zu den Listen habe ich noch eine Frage, Kann ich auch für einen kleinen Ort eine Liste anfertigen z.B. um alle Geschäfte dieses Ortes zusammenzuführen oder geht das mit den Listen nur nach verschiedenen Kategorien , wie z.B wie in deiner Liste dargestellt?

Schönes WE und liebe Grüße aus der Oberlausitz JS

Listen sind einfach eine Sammlung. Du denkst dir ein Thema aus und machst eine Liste. Ob das jetzt Eisdielen, Getränkemärkte oder Geschäfte an einem speziellen Ort sind, ist ganz dir überlassen.

Schön, dass du aus der Oberlausitz kommst. Da habe ich als Kind jedes Jahr Urlaub gemacht. In Sohland.

Viele Grüße Ludwig

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Hallo @LudwigGermany Danke für Deine Antwort. Sohland - Das ist ja lustig. Ich komme aus Schirgiswalde, da weißt Du ja wo ich zuhause bin. Liebe Grüße und geruhsames Weihnachtsfest wünsche ich Dir Joe