The most interesting thing I’ve done as a Local Guide

Adding Truthful Reviews/Rating with relevant pictures

Oh Dear! I like everything about Google Map so let me see what’s the most interesting thing. hmm, oh yeah, “giving feedback for places I visited” is the best thing I do as Local Guide. I find it as a social responsibility and exciting to write honest reviews which can help people to decide among so many choices. When someone like or reply (agree/disagree) on my reviews gives me satisfaction sort of feeling which I can’t express.

I always try to write something to improve, reviews especially for hotels or restaurants but I always try to write in a polite and proper way which gives them clear picture about a complaint so that they can improve it accordingly. Moreover, I always try to highlight positives and negatives side by side for the places so that people can decide by themselves if they can avoid or ignore those complaints or not.

For adding pictures, I try to upload informative pictures which must be clearly seen whether it is taken by high resolution DSLR camera or by my usual cell phone, because not every time I share some scenery or beauty of nature to be taken by high quality camera but majority of the time I share experiences rather.

Sharing pictures like restaurants sitting area to ensure cleaning and comfort, food serving pictures to attract people by its presentation, hotels reception and entrance area along with its building from outside to show the actual condition of it, pictures of hotel bedroom and bathroom with all facilities they provided.

Local guide gives us the chance to express freely about anything and if your review gets like or appreciation means it is approving that you are not adding fake reviews just to earn points or getting famous, I would like to travel more and more so that I can share as much as I can as Local Guide, Thank you Google and Connect Live.

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