The most interesting thing I have done as a Local Guide: Adding amazing photos of places I visit.

Being a passionate traveler and hobbyist photographer, the most interesting thing I have done as a Google Local Guide is sharing hundreds of photos of the places I visit. Since the day I joined Google Local Guide Program I have shared over 1700 photos of different places which have more than 1.8 million views.

For me Google’s local guide program has been a very intriguing experience. It has provided me a platform where my pictures could be beneficial for the community at large. I feel happy when I see that my shared photos have views in thousands and have been helpful for so many people around the world. This motivated me to take more photos.

Sometimes, I add missing places on Google Maps and share reviews of the place along with photos, which is even more helpful for people.

The true happiness is when I am the first one to add a photo of a particular place resulting in making the place stand out and becomes helpful for users of Google Maps.

Sharing here some of my highest viewed photos on Google Maps.

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