The most interesting thing , Captured the beauty of Nature & connect with the Society.

Hey Guys,

I’m Nikhil Wagh from Aurangabad, Maharashtra,India :india: .

I started my journey as a Google Local Guide few moths ago and frankly speaking at initial, after 2-3 days of opening account i closed my account due to some reasons like what my friends thinks about me. What his doing? You don’t have any other work? What you earn from this and so many things. But, later on i feel at least i should try it once and that’s my biggest change, my next chapter of this journey as a Google Local Guide. :smile:

Slowly slowly… i started sharing my experience, my knowledge, what i feel about any particular place, is this good for travelers? and then people starts appreciating my work and my captured moments. Wherever i go, first thing i did that clicking the picture for my travelers friends. Trust me guys, i can’t explain the feeling when people appreciate your work and this thing possible just because of Google Map. Because of Google Map we explore such places which are new to us, we add our home and work address, street view is one of the best option given by Google Map. :heart_eyes: :sunglasses:

Working as Local Guide i connect with the many new people, share our knowledge and experience and help each other too. Thank you so much Google for this awesome Application and provide us platform to show what we are. It just a starting, many moments we have to capture now :hugs: , with many new people we have to connect now :smiley: and make our Local Guide community better and better day by day.

Keep supporting :blush: …Keep Travelling :small_airplane: …and have a safe Journey :wink: .


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