The Most Important Thing I've done as as Local Guide

The most important interesting thing I’ve done as a Local Guide is giving contributions (rates, reviews and updates) to the places I visited. By doing these, I have given ideas to people using google map to know the places they are supposed to visit.

Some places on google maps are sometimes not the same during the time when it is posted. Even addresses and contact numbers are not updated.

It is very easy to these people to view the Map when I, as a Local Guide, can help with the update so that what they view is what they get. Most of the photos and reviews I posted got many views. In this way, I know that what I did was very useful. It overwhelmed me that what I contributed helped a lot of people.


@Nijins0524 Congratulations! If your post is for the Connect live application, you may want to edit and re label it under Local Stories.

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Hey @Nijins0524 ,

As it seems to me that this is your application post for Connect Live 2020, I will move it to the Local Stories section which is the right place for this type of posts. Here you can find everything you need to know about writing a post for your Connect Live 2020 application. Don’t forget to review your final post and make sure you are not missing any of the points mentioned. If you are - feel free to edit your publication from the three dots and add them.

Since this is your first post, I recommend you to go through our program rules and help desk. Another useful thread is Your guide to Connect.