The morisco restaurant owner in Sevilla.

They are people you meet who leave you speechless.
Tonight in Sevilla we had enough energy to engage a conversation with a restaurant owner in Arabic first.
Him replying : “I am not Arab but I am Muslim and know a few words “.
Me : “From Turkey ?”
Him :” No from Spain.”
At that moment I assumed he reverted to Islam and asked out of curiosity if he entertains any link with Al-Andalus former name of Spain when it used to be ruled by Muslims.
He replied : “I am a descendant from an Al-Andalus family. We are all living in La Algaba a closeby village”.
That left me open-mouthed. Youcef Algaba (his name ) is a living proof of an old extinct civilisation. It felt like I had a meeting with history. Indeed his family over centuries overcame tough times.
Interestingly even his father has to hide his faith. He represents the first generation of Muslims descendants from Al Andalus who feel safe to claim publicly their faith and their filiation.
No picture of him but of his artwork ?

Like the post above I like to share my highlights and especially impressions left by people I met.


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