The Map of Life

When i open Google Maps i see the field full of yellow stars. They are like milestones. I look at Parkour list - some years ago my screenplay about Freerun won a 1st prize in USA at AOFFest… Stars of shooting places, early morning meetings, training and repetitions for shooting… Whole cinema life just in the group of stars…suspendedpage.cgi (197 KB)

Another group - Gelato.

I founded the FlowerFlavor company - Italian gelato, that i made more and more tasty, creating all receipts by myself during 2 years… Stars in list “FF” are places of gelato sell points, restaurants - our clients, partners, production stores… Our company is a public star on your map, thanks Google helping us to make our business.

One star is head-office of Microsoft, where i was a winner of “the best startup” incubator being a lead-programmer in emotion-recognition project… Just one lonely star, because of Nokia & Microsoft dropped all my stars on their map, just changing the owner of Nokia map service… its a pity…

Now i create new group - mobile VR GPS game based on absolutely new game fundamentals, and now we involve other people into the map, making stars on it their own life-stars milestone…

I want to share my Parkour list with all people who want to train in Russia.

I want everybody to know how tasty our gelato is.

Also, i want everybody find exactly what they want, so I help them, correcting wrong places, take photos on the map, changing that was changed. Virtualizing the World. Google is very social project, helping me make my business - not only Map service. I use Sheets in my business processes, Docs to share my ideas, Maps to share places and information. I believe that my work as the Local Guide helps people to know my country more precise. And maybe all of us help each other to find what we need. Today on the map, tomorrow in our life.

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