The love for finding

Hi there Google cumunity, let me tell you my history how I started in this world of opinions, rankings, information sharing and many other tings.

I went four years ago for an event with computers, conferences, videogames, called Lanpartyes,in this case it was in the north of spain in Vitoria, we use to spend a lot of time inside, in front of our computers screens, playing games, surfing the net, reading ebooks, downloading films and we normally drink and eat take away food or we cook a bit in a microwave or portable grill. But those year we randomly dicided go out and discover a bit the surronding area, go for a walk, took some pictures, visited some shops, my favourites are second hand shops, they are like charity shops but especialliced in second hand tecnology and more stuff.
At the end of this journey we were sitted in a snack bar drinking a couple of beers and we continue with the pictures in the inside, suddenly a pop-up advise appear en my phone. Do you know this place? Would you like to upload this pictures to share about this place?. I got surprise at the beggining, not in the good mode, is google stalking me, using my location?. Well maybe the answer is yes, but in this case we can use that to improve our community. I uploaded the pictures and made a review about the snack bar, traying to be acuaracy and asertive about that traying to express and opinion but at the same time being objetive. I ended it and continued with my life, I returned inside and I spent the rest of the day playing videogames and in conferences.
But next day something happend, that was the thing that totally marked the difference. Lots of new people started watching my review about the bar that was the closest to the main entrance, acording to that people was stopping in this place or not, and the number of likes and opinions started growing very fast. I felt a mixed between power and responsible appear in my mind, probably it was the first time that something in internet had repercusion in real life for me. So the next day I decided not to stay in the inside, I went out and tried to discover new places, generate more opinions, upload pictures, everyday is always a new discovery even in the places that you normally visit, there is always a new opinion to read or to compare with yours. But the most important thing is stay focus, you need to select a topic, world is very big so imposible to visit all the places and give opinions about it. Don’t get exhausted life need to be fun!!!

In my case was easy I fell atracted for the send hand shops and flea markets, every time I visit a new city I try to discover all of this shops, write some opinions, take pictures and sometime buy new objets for my collections. It isn´t someting new for me, since I was a teenager I discovered that the emotion of the hunting in this shops is always better that going straigh to the supermarket and purchase the good, also in this shops or markets you can usually find objets that are not longer available in shops, if you find something that you really like you can see that always come with an importants discounts or sometimes even better you can participate in a public auction.

Normally I have all my isle covered, even with a map if you visit Tenerife with the best places. But I keep my mind working and in contact with my friends, there is always news about the opening of new shops or maybe out of bussiness that is selling the inventory
The important thing is take the bargains and left your opinion, so next time the seller is going to repeat with more people interested.

Remember stay focus and if you need a local reviewer in Tenerife you can trust in my opinions hehehe.
Good luck with your reviews.


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