What does the Local Guides program mean to me: a meeting point of two passions
I have spent about a third of my life outside my native country. Being in the big world helped expand my horizons, see different lifestyles, points of view, ways of work and doing business, but, as distance often gives a clearer perspective, I somehow started to value and appreciate more my native country –Bulgaria . That is why, when in the end I took the decision to settle down finally in it, I made a silent oath to myself to do my best so that more people in the world learn about it, get to know not only about its natural beauty, but also about the various cultural, entertainment and business opportunities it can offer to its residents and guests.
On the other hand, I have been a technology geek
since I touched my first computer more than twenty years ago. I have always read avidly about the latest developments in the field, trying to be up-to-date. Gradually, through this interest started my passion for Google and for everything this organisation stands for. Yes, I can honestly call my attitude a passion, because the more knowledge I gain about the information technology world, the more I understand the immense role Google plays in it. Countless things in this world originate from Google and are deeply rooted in it. So, there started my long-lasting dream to somehow become a part of this organisation, to be able to give my personal contribution to what it does for the modern world.
Then, I came across the Local Guides program It was like a revelation for me because I realised that through it I can combine my two passions, my two loves, the love for my native country and my love for Google. The participation in the program gives me the chance to unravel to the world the hidden treasures of my country. I often spend my free time sauntering in the neighbourhood or in the city, trying to find new places that I have not seen or noticed before and then tell the others about them. It might be an old monument
that has been there for years, but, in the rat race of the modern living, people have forgotten about it, or a long-lasting symbol of national pride like Alexander Nevski Cathedral
or a newly-opened small business.
Doing this gives me not only the simple pleasure of well-spent free time, but also increases my self-esteem, making me feel a part of something big, something grand, the multinational Google family.
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