The Local Guides means: Storyteller and dreamer to me.

I got involved three years ago with the Local Guides program, before I got many help and guideline to move around, from all local guides around the world. I see lots of photo, lots of dreams, the local guides helps me reached that place.

I believe everyone likes to tell and hear stories, Dreams and shows. I’m like them. When I do a search before travel, the Local Guide shows me pictures, every picture has a story, there is love. I live in that picture, like a dream. When I go to that place, it seems like a reminder to my nostalgia. So the Local Guide is like Storyteller and Dreamer to me.

Dad, this is what country below the soil? I jokingly said, yes my son it is the country below the soil! Tea is found in pottery here. My son said I want to drink tea, after drinking tea, he asked, what do you do with the pot? I said break it, to the delight of breaking, he consumes ten cups of tea then. Dad, what else is available in the land below the soil? Let’s move around to discover. My son is five then, so much of this nature is new to him. Around the world he have to learn lot’s of things, about people, community, cultures, nature. Some times he learn from us, some times he learn from others. so we have to answer many of his questions. Local Guides help to explain many things to him.

Through Google Local Guides, I get to know many things besides people, community locales and cultures, which help me plan and move around as a friend. Likewise when I knew about Metrorail under the ground, with my son, he wanted to ride the rail under the ground. Kolkata have an underground rail system, near us. Along with the sights in Kolkata, we board a rail under the ground. After moving from one station to another, he thinks it is a country below ground. he Looking around in amazement! We did not want to be break his mistake.