Firstly, thanks to team local guide for giving us an wonderful privilege to be a part of google local guide. Personally for me am proud to be a local guide because I believe that as a local guide we do lots of contribution small or big is helping others who are in need or one can say helping those unknown people who are in the wilderness of unknown places. Helping other is my hobby and loved to help others And really feel blessed so, once again Thanks to team local guide.
Imagine if a blind person miraculously regain his/her eye sight back then, what will happen to???; exactly if my reviews and answers help other needy person, the satisfaction and excitement level is same as much as that blind person those who regain his/her eye sight back.
With this local guide program we have a great network of friendship across the globe whom we can trust and all the local guide is trustworthy because everyone contribute genuinely and truly.
Through this program we have great chance to tell the world about our local shops, street,places etc etc and much more.
Really I want to contribute more professionally and want to meet lively other local guides to exchange ideas of each other across the countries for improvisation and experience.
Last but not least,
Looking forward for lively meet.
With regards
Duge Ado
Local guide
Arunachal Pradesh