The lakes of Italy by bicycle. Day 1

Photo 0: Iseo Lake

Photo 1: The path

And here I am, ready for this new cycling adventure, after all these months of total closure, the Giro dei Laghi of the Italian pre-Alps. I’m leaving, without Mariacristina, with the 7:52 train to Verona. I also try this adventure, for which I have always been very reluctant, that is to reach the starting point, loading the bicycle, with the train.

Photo 2: In train

I have never considered this experience because of the difficulties that many have encountered. In fact, the journey is absolutely not comfortable. I’m standing on the train to Verona. There is nowhere to put the bicycles, I stand holding the bicycle in the entrance door

Photo 3: fields of poppi

Here I am in Desenzano, unloading the bike and equipping it with all the various gadgets for photos, videos and navigation. I bought an appendix to apply to the handlebar, so all the instruments have their precise place and the handlebar remains free for its original function, for hands! The day is good, a warm spring warmth, in the background I see the well-known Lake Garda, which remains only the starting point, but not the object of the trip. I hope in my heart, that the journey is one of scenic and cultural discovery. I have not made a precise program, I am starting all in all a little adventure, only the rough lines, then I expect, as always in the trips made, that inspiration will arrive, always keeping my eyes and mind attentive. I chose Cycle travel to map out the route, and I must say that the one drawn up for the day was a real positive surprise.

Photo 4: bridge on Chiese river (Pontenove- Brescia) with chapel dedicated to St. John Nepomuceno

Practically from Lake Garda to Lake Iseo without ever entering a busy road, all secondary roads, with country lanes, or paths even to be paved. Basically I always traveled in protection and quiet, whistling and singing. Pass through the hills of Brescia, after Desenzano, full of poppies in the moving wheat and forests of acacias and other trees that closed in a tunnel on the route. Fun, fun, fun.

Photo 5: Pope Paul VI’s Square-BresciaPhoto 6: Pope Paul VI’s Square-Brescia

Photo 7: the old cathedral - Brescia

Photo 8: Loggia square

Photo 9: Loggia square

Photo 10: Capitolum, roman temple

Photo 11: The roman theater

Arrival in Brescia and here lunch in the center, in Piazza Paolo VI and then visit the city, for what can be such a short visit, with due homage to the fallen in Piazza della Loggia, whose 47th anniversary will be celebrated tomorrow. Visited, the Old Cathedral, Piazza della Loggia, the remains of Roman Brescia, with the theater and the Capitolum Temple.

Photo 12: Monte Isola on Iseo Lake

Photo 13: Saint Paul island on Iseo lake

I resume the road towards Lake Iseo still following country lanes within the region of Franciacorta, the famous wine. I arrive in the town of Iseo, clearly on Lake Iseo and from here I proceed to nearby Sulzano, from where I take the boat to Monte Isola, which I had already visited with Cristina a few years ago. Monte Isola is located in the center of Lake Iseo, and is the largest lake island in Italy, for someone even in Europe, but only if we consider southern Europe and central continental Europe, in Finland and in Russia there are some larger lake islands.

Photo 14: Saint Paul island on Iseo lake

Arrival at the Foresta hotel, welcoming with a good restaurant with typical lake dishes. I observe the island of San Paolo, owned by the Beretta family, those of arms, and try to imagine The Floating piers, Christo’s artistic installation, which consisted of a network of floating piers 3 kilometers long and 16 meters wide, open to the public and put in place between Sulzano, Montisola and the island of San Paolo, between June and July 2016. It was practically possible to walk on water and 1,500,000 people did so in 16 days. You can imagine that at that time Monte Isola was not very quiet, people flocked 24 hours a day to walk on the water. The New York Times considered it one of the most significant works of art of 2016.

Photo 15: Oldofredi’s castle

Since I am not tired and the 70 km traveled by bicycle still does not seem enough to me, after a shower I go out for a 2 hour walk and go up to Monte Isola. To get to the Sanctuary, located on the top of the island, there are 400 meters in altitude. I reach the fortress of the Oldofredi, a castle that completely dominates the west bank of the lake, which already existed in the 9th century, was destroyed by Frederick Barbarossa in 1161 and rebuilt, with the 4 current towers, in the 13th century.

Photo 16: Coregone, fish dish (Coregonus lavaretus)

Dinner based on whitefish, fish from the lake, and then sunset over the lake, even if clearly you can’t see the sun go down, as the lake is completely surrounded by very high mountains. Tomorrow from Lake Iseo towards Lake Endine to then reach Bergamo.

Photo 17: Iseo lake


@plavarda immagino quanto sia difficile viaggiare sui nostri treni caricando una bici non avendo lo spazio necessario, ma leggendo il tuo racconto e guardando le tue foto immagino che le difficoltà iniziali siano state ben ripagate dalla bellezza dei territori che hai attraversato. Quindi aspetterò i prossimi post per leggere il seguito e magari scopro che sei passato anche qui! (lago di Como) :slightly_smiling_face: bellissimo post. Ciao!


Bentornato @plavarda

Essendo tra i fortunati che ti hanno seguito giorno dopo giorno, aspettavo con ansia il tuo resoconto pubblico qui su Connect.

Concordo con @PattyBlack , i nostri treni non sono ancora attrezzati per trasportare biciclette, mentre in altri paesi questa è la normalità. L’installazione di Christo è stata in effetti la prima cosa che mi è venuta in mente, quando hai nominato il lago di Iseo.

In attesa della prossima puntata


Cari @PattyBlack e @ErmesT grazie per ll vostro contributo al mio post. Viaggiare in treno è stato veramente difficile, soprattutto al ritorno, dovrò pensarci bene a riaffrontare questo sistema di viaggio. Al ritorno il treno per Verona e poi per Venezia superava ogni limite di sicurezza, era pieno nei posti a sedere, lungo il corridoio e nelle bussole di entrata e uscita dove ero io con la bicicletta, gente senza mascherina che s’incavolava se glielo facevi notare e dovevi stare zitto. Se il problema è solo di risparmio, già quando viaggiamo in due, il costo del treno è quasi simile a prendere un’auto a nolo con buona pace dell’effetto green, e i benefici sul pianeta del viaggiare in bicicletta, purtroppo! Caviglie gonfie per alcuni giorni il risultato.

Certo che passerò per il lago di Como! Diciamo che ho fatto mezzo giro, non ti rovino la sorpresa! E’ il lago che più mi ha entusiasmato per tanti motivi.

Sto cercando di integrare il racconto fatto di primo acchito con altre informazioni che spero possano essere gradite dagli amici LG, pertanto Ermes potrai trovare anche informazioni nuove.

Ciao e grazie!

Paolo profile

Follow the posts about Sicily trip

Camere d’aria 2020: giorno Zero. Sistemazione a Messina e preparativi per la partenza

Camere d’aria 2020: Sicilia stage 1. Capo Peloro-Milazzo

Camere d’aria 2020. Sicilia . Stage 2. Milazzo - Gioiosa Marea

Camere d’aria 2020. Sicilia stage 3. Gioiosa Marea - Canneto di Caronia

Camere d’aria 2020. Sicilia. Stage 4. Canneto - Cefalù

Camere d’aria 2020. Sicilia. Stage 5. Cefalù - Solanto

Camere d’aria 2020. Sicilia. Stage 6. Solanto– Mondello

Camere d’aria 2020. Sicilia. Stage 7. Mondello - Castellammare del Golfo

Camere d’aria 2020, Sicilia. Stage 8. Castellammare del Golfo – Scopello

Camere d’aria 2020. Sicilia. Stage 9. Scopello - Saline di Trapani

Sicily with bicycle. Camere d’aria 2020. Stage 10. Trapani - Mazara del Vallo

Sicily with bicycle. Camere d’aria 2020. Stage 11. Mazara del Vallo - Selinunte

Sicily with bicycle. Camere d’aria 2020. Stage 12. Selinunte - Seccagrande

Sicily with bicycle. Camere d’aria 2020. Stage 13. Seccagrande - Scala dei Turchi

Sicilia in bicicletta. Camere d’aria 2020. Epilogo

Video 1 - Viaggio in Sicilia in bicicletta

Video 2 - Viaggio in Sicilia in bicicletta - Parte sec

Liguria stage 1

Liguria stage 2

Liguria stage 3

Liguria stage 4

Liguria stage 5

Liguria Stage 6.

Liguria Stage 7.

Liguria. Stage 8.

Liguria. Stage 9.

Liguria Stage 10.


Hi @plavarda

A great post of your adventure of cycling and so beautiful places ! All the photos here so attractive! Thie place is so nice for travelling ,

Thanks for your sharing with us!

Have a great day ! :sunflower:


Warm greetings :rose: from Chittagong city , Bangladesh :bangladesh: :bangladesh:

Pls click here to see my recent posts


Thanks @MAHBUB_HYDER , It was a great Adventure by bicycle, follow me in the next stages and you’'ll discover part of Italy out of normal tourist circuit but also so nice and cultural interestingl !

Bye .



Sure dear @plavarda

Looking forward for your interesting article too!1 :smiley: :smiley: :star_struck:

Have a great day ! :sunflower:


Warm greetings :rose: from Chittagong city , Bangladesh :bangladesh: :bangladesh:

Pls click here to see my recent posts


@plavarda волшебная красота) спасибо что познакомили с такими прекрасными местами Италии)


Hello dear @plavarda

You start your travelling on Italy from the lakes in Italy. Great!

You give us a lot of interesting information about your country.

Thank you for your detailed post with excellent photos.

I suppose you have video about these places?

I always read your post with interest.

Best regards,



@plavarda @ErmesT e purtroppo non si fa molto nel nostro Paese per migliorare la vita di chi ama viaggiare rispettando l’ambiente, speriamo nel prossimo futuro le cose possano migliorare.

Comunque @plavarda aspettando il post sul giro sul Lago di Como, vado a leggermi quello su Bergamo :wink:



Ciao @plavarda ,

Finalmente ho trovato il tempo di leggere questo resoconto della prima tappa. :slightly_smiling_face: Per quanto riguarda i “Floating piers” di Hristo e Jeanne-Claude, un’opera davvero impressionante che avrei tanto voluto vedere dal vivo.

Il Castello Oldofredi mi ha colpito molto, hai avuto modo di visitarne gli interni?

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Ciao @Giu_DiB grazie di seguirmi, il castello di Oldofredi era chiuso purtroppo, la vita riprende lenta dopo il Covid!!

Spero ti piaccia anche il quarto episodio che ho appena pubblicato

Un abbraccio


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Ciao @plavarda ,

Peccato che tu non abbia potuto entrare nel castello. Mi sarebbe piaciuto vedere qualche foto dei suoi interni.

Ho appena letto e commentato anche il quarto episodio. Aspetto nuove avventure da seguire! :slightly_smiling_face:

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