The Jamming Festival Expirience

Hello I come back with good news. I get vacation from work so i started to make some “low cost travels” around the city. This chance i find my way to get tickets to the Jamming Festival 2019!.

The place:

It was at Girardot outside of the city in Hotel Estudios (Cundinamarca), it took me two 2 hours to get in the festival from Bogotá. Was rainy and sunny in the morning lots of people jumping at the pool and improvised showers try to help people to get hydrated, some people started to make their tents and other started to get a tan. I usually have to use sweater at the city because is too cold there but here you pray to be naked.

If you want to get your trip there don’t go with to much luggage just get in with the essential: Money, water+, glasses, sunscreen, hat, id, tickets, etc. Dont take useless things like to much clothes, books ( this must be like a very little book like a dictionary) because this is a festival i think you want to hear, see and speak with other people.

Turn off your phone (it Could be possible that your phone lost signal and already die there)

Bands like Cafe Tacuba, Cypress Hill, Matisyaho, Molotov, Panteón Rococó among others take place. Was a good vibe, good music, good view and nice people.

If you dont have to much money i recomend you to eat before you get in the festival 'cause is very expensive. Use boots, or shoes can protect you feets from insects, water, mud and so on, even if it is a sunny day dont forget to keep with you a scarf, when night comes can be very windy and cold.

At Nigth:

Once the sun was hidden i walked all over the place, there were lots of shops selling souvenirs, food and cigar stores.

Bathroom is free but you have to be aware about the people who get drunk and sleep there (it happens) so dont get confuse and get in a bathroom with drunk people.

There was another scaffold with aphrodisiac music and people dancing, not my type of music but there were people enjoying and having a good time.

It was a beautiful view from this Climbing wall.

In the middle of the night it started to rain and everything around was cover with mud, there was people lying on the floor sleeping, some people find shelter at the tents or in the castle. The Festival started on saturday morning 10am until 7am next day.

Some things i would like to share about the event is, it was very few people controlling or doing the logistic to the massive amount of people there about transport i have to say that i bought my ticket in the festival to not waste my time but it could be.

i THOUGH IT WOULD BE EASY but i get outside of the event to find my bus but i wait 3 hour in line waiting. I have to remember that i didnt sleep that night and i was exhausted and i needed to rest. Once the bus arrive I thouhg the bus would get me to the place i aboard the transportation in first place but it doesnt. I get lost in avenue called “Boyaca” but i could find “El Transmillenio” to get home.

Finally, it was a good Fest, Good music, landscapes, new people, a challenging enviroment and i liked the civic behavior of people there to keep lines in order to arrive at festival and leave the festival.

If you want to know more about the Festival or if you have to say something ask in the comments!.


Hi @Mauc21 ,

This festival looks really cool, thanks for sharing!

It sounds like you had quite the experience, and maybe even a bit more than you wanted to, but in the end it all worked out.

I am a big fan of old school hip hop, so I was a bit jealous when you said that Cypress Hill was there to perform. Hopefully I get to see them this year at Roskilde Festival in Denmark.

Which concert was your favorite at the festival?

Hey MortenSI

Yeah, i have a nice expirence in this festival it was my first expirience in Colombia. My favorite band were Panteón rococó and cafe tacuba Hope you can see Cypress hill this year!.

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I haven’t heard of those bands @Mauc21 , but I will give them both a listen.

Have you been to a lot of festivals around the world?

By the way, you can tag me or other Local Guides in a comment by writing @ before their name. This way we’ll receive a notification about it.

i have been in some festival in Venezuela @MortenSI was cool times. I would like to go to woodstook in Poland (its my dream haha), i find it facinating or maybe the scandinavian festival Iceland Airwaves or Pickathon in EEUU. So to do all that i have to save money haha. In april there will be a festival called “Stereo Picnic” maybe i go. Do you have go to any?

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It sounds like you have plenty of saving up to do @Mauc21 . You’re right, going to festivals is not a cheap activity, and usually requires more money than you think.

It’s been a while since my last festival which is why I really hope I can go this summer. The festivals I usually go to in Denmark are the Northside Festival in Aarhus and Smukfest in Skanderborg.

great event @Mauc21

thank you for sharing with us.