The importance of being local guide ⚠

Hello Friends, today I want to share my very personal point of view about my role as a local guide from my locality, and I hope it will also help you if you plan to venture into some great place in Mexico.
As you already know, Mexico is currently in a horrible crime crisis, which makes us think twice about visiting attractive places, such as magical towns, beaches, bars, etc. So let’s take precautions and rely on the comments and references from Google and mainly from the contributions of a local guide
remember that the publications of all the users of the google platform that are currently so complete and give greater security and confidence when a local guide confirms the security of the sites we have visited in addition to the quality of service provided in the main places and recommendations for it
In this way, a local guide acquires great credibility and responsibility in the images and comments posted day by day.
So we always try to describe in great length the experiences that have led us to know each site and also the negative points that we have encountered.
I thank you in advance for taking the time to read these words and I remain at your service as a support guide if you plan to visit Mexico with recommendations and directions to the email


Hi @Jerardcans ,

It seems that you’ve shared a post for your Connect Live 2020 application. Keep in mind, one of the requirements is to share your post on Local Stories, so I’ve moved your post there, thanks.

Feel free to have a look at the application guidelines and find some handy tips for creating an application post.

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thank you

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Hi @Jerardcans ,

Just to let you know, I’ve unmarked, as this is not a solution. To learn more, How do I mark comments as solutions.