The importance of being Local Guide: Why do i love the Local Guide program

Hi Local Guides! It’s Tony here.

I’m a Level 6 Local Guide from Rome, Italy. I joined the program two years ago, but I can’t say I’ve been a Local Guide since the beginning. As a matter of fact, my first “review” was actually only a positive comment and so much enthusiasm.

No details. No pics.

I just wrote it to make a good impression on my boyfriend. It was our first date and he took me to an elegant restaurant, where every course delighted us for the artistic presentation and refined marriage of flavours.

Caption: my boyfriend and me at “Cesarino e la perla” for our first date.

Everything was perfect and he looked so radiant.

At that time, I was working as a theatre reviewer, so I decided to show him my talent and surprise him writing a review of our amazing dinner.

Actually the only one who was surprised was me. Indeed, in few days my review passed 100 views.

It was a little number but it sounded so big to my ears. In that moment I realised how much important Local Guides are for people use Google Maps.

Being a Local Guide is a great pleasure.

Being a good Local Guide is a duty.

From then, I began to enrich my reviews with photos and specific info about menù, position and service of the places I went. Several reviews has been marked helpful. My views quickly grew.

Caption: My review for “Vecchia Roma” is the most helpful and viewed.

I can’t describe the emotion of helping people. Indeed, answering to people’s questions is one of the things I appreciate the most of being a Local Guide.

Our task is to provide the right answers to those in need. And I love it!

Sometimes business owners comment my reviews. They thank me for my job or add some small details I didn’t know.

I’m glad when it happens.

Interactions make Maps alive. We can say it shows us a cross-section of the society. In Italy, for example, quarantine forced to close everything and you can see that through Maps: you can read the sentence “temporarly closed” under all the names of business you’re looking for. It’s truly sad.

The entire nation is blocked.

I stopped to explore and try new things, write reviews or add new places, but I didn’t stop my passion, of course.

I want to continue to help others in my way. So last week I posted a list of the most beautiful parks to visit in Rome, when the quarantine will be over and we all can get our lives back.

We’re strong.

Caption: “Parco degli Acquedotti”, Rome.


Ciao @Tonyscarfi ,

che bella storia, e’ semplice, e’ onesta ed e’ vera, grazie per averla condivisa con noi!

Dato che sei nuovo qui su Connect innanzitutto ti do il benvenuto, poi ti invito a leggere Tua guida a Connect per capire come utilizzare Connect e sentirti subito a tuo agio. Se hai bisogno di qualsiasi aiuto puoi sempre fare riferimento al nostro Help Desk.

Inoltre, se vuoi, puoi presentarti a tutta la community qui: Introduce Yourself March 2020. Abbiamo un bel po’ di Local Guides italiane ed un bel gruppettino abbastanza attivo, ci fa sempre piacere conoscere altri italiani.

A presto ed in bocca al lupo!


Grazie mille del commento e delle info! :pray: Leggo subito la guida e non vedo l’ora di conoscere gli altri italiani di Connect! E non solo :wink: