The spots we will introduce here are places where people have felt the power of life on trees that have lived for thousands of years.
Omishima is located in the middle of the Shimanami Sea Route, which is famous for cycling in the Seto Inland Sea.
On this island, there is a place called Oyamazumi Shrine, which has been worshipped as a god of war since ancient times.
On the grounds of Oyamazumi Shrine, there are trees that are over 2,000 years old, and on the approach to the inner sanctum of the Jinguji Temple is a conspicuously large tree, said to be 3,000 years old. This huge old camphor tree is 3,000 years old and its roots are about 30 meters in circumference, and it is designated as a natural monument. It is said that people used to worship through the hollow space at the base of the trunk of this huge tree as a gate to the inner sanctum, which is why it is called “Ikiki-no-Gomon” (meaning “the gate of the living tree”).
Since long ago, there has been a belief in longevity, and it is said that if you pass through the gate, you will live a long time, and if you climb the stone steps that lead to the cavity, you will feel a great energy, which will impress you.
Hey @YsMoriMori
This is a very good post. I like the tree. It’s a good touristic place to visit. Do you mind if I ask some questions please;
- Did you visit the place of recent and hope you enjoyed it?
- What’s the meaning of “kiki Nogo…”?
Just been curious anyway. 
My latest post
interesting post @YsMoriMori
hug tree always so interesting so do you know how much age tree in your post
By the way your post about tree do you know this august #monthytopic by @HiroyukiTakisawa is about tree and maybe you interesting read tree story from other local guides from all around the word
@YsMoriMori さん
とても面白い木を紹介していただきありがとうございます。生樹の御門、初めて知りました。とても興味深いですね。その場に行ったら間違いなくくぐってみたくなってしまうことでしょう:) Googleマップ上から見る写真もまたとてもきれいですね。
Hi, @Nyainurjanah Thank you for tagging me!
Thank you @SholaIB 
I went about 2 weeks ago. It’s usually a tourist spot, so I try to go early in the morning when no one is there. I think it is better to spend time slowly in such places.

The meaning of IKIKI is like a tree of life. The Japanese feel that life resides in trees, stones and water etc.
Even in West Africa, trees are familiar and necessary for humans to live. Is there a custom of worshiping trees in West Africa?
Thank you for replying @YsMoriMori this is a very nice post and I appreciate your constructive reply.
Yes Nature is very wonderful. There is so much we can learn and benefit psychologically and biologically too.
Yes like you said in West Africa people worship these things things too. Rivers trees stones etc.
@Nyainurjanah Thank you for letting us know about #monthytopic.
I am very interested in this month’s theme 
This tree is 3000 years old. It is a very long-lived tree 
I think Japan in 3000 years was when rice cultivation started. It is a tree that has seen various history.
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@HiroyukiTakisawa さん こんにちは 
1本の木が森のようになっていて見ていて飽きません。また、民家の小道を行くとドンと3000年の大木があるのも不思議な光景です。是非、是非 お近くに来た際は、くぐりに来てくださいね。
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@YsMoriMori Wow, 3,000 years old! That is impressive. I also like the second photo. The view is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your nice experience with us.