The Gang Goes to Montreal (Recommendations Needed)

Hi everyone!

Me and five of my co-workers are going to Montreal for Labor Day Weekend. It will be the first time for everyone in Montreal and we are all super excited to be there. Aside from the ‘staple’ tourist places such as Mount Royal, The Olympics Park, we really want to do the things that only are exclusive to the city. With that in mind, does anyone have any recommendations for things to do and or place places to eat that aren’t on the first page of a Google search :)?

The whole group is of drinking age so please also include any cool or unique bars or clubs that would allow us to experience Montreal’s nightlife.

I also included where will be staying but we are not opposed to driving or using public transportation

TLDR; A group of 6, 21 olds+ will be in Montreal for 4 days and 3 nights and we want to have the most authentic experience possible while avoiding most tourist traps


Hi, @Austin_ONeill I’ve never been to Montreal, but I read a mouth-watering text a couple of days ago: 3 must-visit restaurants in Montreal, by @AriMar, who has visited the city recently. Maybe it can help you in your plans. Enjoy, Montreal!


@Austin_ONeill Wish I could give you some recommendations but a great tool I found useful when recently visiting Orlando is Google Maps (at the risk of sounding cliche):

  1. Select the ‘For You’ tool on the bottom right, then
  2. ‘Settings’ in upper-right corner and lastly,
  3. Add a new ‘Area’

Google Maps will then give you countless recommendations for the area that you put in — which is a variety of sightseeing, entertainment and local food favs! Certainly hope you and your co-workers have a fantastic time! :sun_with_face: