The Food I Miss The Most In Nantou, Taiwan

I was originally from Nantou, Taiwan and love my hometown so much. Even though I am based in New York City now, I will plan once or twice a year to visit my family and most importantly, eat everything I miss.

Here are my lists of food I miss the most:

Sunny Hills Nantou Store 微熱山丘 南投三合院

Pineapple cake is definitely the most famous and signature pastry from Taiwan. Sunny Hills was the first store to make delicate and artsy version of pineapple cake and opened up their locations globally.

:round_pushpin: Sunny Hills Nantou Store

No. 2號, Lane 1100, Bagua Road, Nantou City, Nantou County, 540

04 9229 2767

Chinjing LuMaMa

In Chinjing, Nantou, there are hundreds of restaurants serving cuisines from Paiyi, Yunnan due to historical reasons. LuMaMa is one of my favorites and I have visited dozen of times.

:round_pushpin: 清境魯媽媽雲南擺夷料理

No. 210之2-1號, Renhe Road, Ren’ai Township, Nantou County, 546

04 9280 3876

Ba Guan Siang Japanese restaurant

Ba Guan Siang is one of our family’s favorites especially for special occasions. They don’t serve authentic Japanese good but the fusion of Japanese and Taiwanese makes them really popular among Nantou City.

:round_pushpin: 八貫饗手創料理

No. 45, Sanhe 1st Road, Nantou City, Nantou County, 540

04 9223 2110


Hey @Wei929

Loved the colour. Thanks for showing.

I guess @VinayKrishna and @Ant_Bad_Yogi will love this too.


@Wei929 Wow, those plates look delicious. :slightly_smiling_face: Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

I miss Taro Mochi Cake there. Wish one day I can visit Taiwan again.


Thanks for sharing this great post @Wei929

You make me longing for Taiwanese Pineapple Cake. Oh, and I miss 太陽餅 / Suncake from Taiwan, too :yum:


@user_not_found @Thank you so much for your compliments and I am glad you like my sharing :heart:

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@Ant_Bad_Yogi @Thank you so much for checking my sharing :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I love the taro mochi cake too! Did you enjoy your time in Taiwan and where did you go?


@Velvel @Nice to see the greeting from Taiwan :raised_hands: :raised_hands: I am always confused with the differences between 太陽餅 and 老婆餅 lol

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@Wei929 Thank you for your reply. Yes, I did enjoy that trip. Most places I visited are nature spot. Here they are.

  1. Yehliu
  2. Mount Keelung trail
  3. Taroko
  4. Alishan
  5. Sun Moon lake
  6. Eryanping trail
  7. Wulai
  8. Hemei mountain trail

Have you been to these places?


@Wei929 微熱山丘的鳳梨酥 :+1:

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@KyleZhang 只是價錢有點偏高 :sweat_smile:

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@Ant_Bad_Yogi Wow :flushed: I didn’t visit 6. and 8. yet, you are definitely a pro than Taiwanese :+1: BTW, I live really close to 5.Sun Moon Lake.

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@Wei929 when going you should take me with you so that we solt out those delicious dishes together

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@And12-X2 @Sure thing :rofl:

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@Wei929 OK, I see. You can visit Sun Moon Lake as often as you would like, that’s nice.

Here is a photo of Eryanping Trail.

Location is here,


@Ant_Bad_Yogi @Amazing photo! Thank you so much for your recommendation and I will plan in my next trip back to Taiwan :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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看饿了! 哈哈! @Wei929

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@Wei929 Well, I think 太陽餅 has softer skin that is easily crumbled because we need to calm and better using a plate when eating this cake :joy:

Whereas 老婆餅 has thicker skin and baked longer.

可能我們需要問 @KyleZhang
啊。 。我好想吃太陽餅 :yum:


@OliverKIWI :yum: 還有更多好吃的啊哈哈

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@Velvel I think you already point out the differences :+1: 我愛傳統食物啊!

@KyleZhang 你們認識彼此嗎?


Wow! Amazing pic @Ant_Bad_Yogi

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