My first meet up is connect live experience sharing meet up .The meet up was hosted by Shamim Shuvo (The first street view trusted photographer of Bangladesh) . This was a great and big event . I traveled from Rangpur city to attend this meet up . This meet up was held on 29 of November at United International University Auditorium . The place has a lot of space . The Meet up was very beautiful and the core team tried their best to maintain the event on time . There are a lot of speakers @MahabubMunna@was the speaker who shared his experience of connect live 2019 in the Meet up . There are also many friends I’ve made in this meet up . And experiencing the meet up was great . I can’t imagine how great meet up it was .I wish everyone should get a chance to know more and join meet up hosted by Bangladesh local guides .
@MahabubMunna thank you for reminding me that I haven’t added pictures first . Due to network issues I hadn’t uploaded any images . But now network issues are solved so I added some photos which I shot on experience sharing meet up .