The Fine Art of Architecture

This mesmerizing view of the movie theater lounge in Hyderabad expains the hard work they had put to display the details of this beauty from every corner of the lounge. Really great work by AMB architects.



Hi @Likhith ,

This really does look mesmerizing, thanks for sharing!

It looks like small spheres reflecting the light in the room, it almost looks like they are overlapping each other.

They really put some work into this!

Do you know what they are made of?

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Hello @Likhith ,

I really appreciated this optical illusion, thank you for sharing it with us. I guess, it must be really interesting seeing this piece of Art live. :slight_smile:

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Hi @Likhith ,

That’s a great photo! Thanks for sharing it with us!

It could have been even more attractive if you could add more details to the photo.

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