The death of a college student awakens democracy spring

1969年,一位捷克大學生楊・布拉赫(Jan Palach) 選擇在人來人往的溫塞斯拉斯廣場淋上汽油後點火自焚,雖被群眾所救,但在送往醫院幾天後仍然不治死亡。


你好 @Bonjourtaiwan

我刚刚从垃圾邮件过滤器中释放了你的帖子。我很抱歉你的帖子被标记当为垃圾邮件。我们的过滤器一直都运行,有时可能会有点严格。在Why was my Connect post marked as spam?有更多資訊。

Dear RadieN

Thank God, the article is back.

Appreciate for your help.(^^)

Hi @Bonjourtaiwan ,

I’m glad I could be of help ^^ Sorry again for the inconvenience.

I just wanted to remind you that you can tag Connect members in your posts by writing @ before their name. This way they receive a notification and know that you are trying to communicate with them directly.