The Challenge Continues!... A Video a Day

2022 is whizzing by.

Daylight Savings has started. Spring is around the corner. The sun is shining longer. The air is getting warmer.

For this year 2022, I want to continue to my video challenge! :tada:

What challenge you may be thinking? :thinking:

It all started on Sep 8th, 2021 when I started the 90 Day Challenge on my channel. My goal with doing that was to promote awareness for Google Maps/ Local Guides through a fun challenge of consistent uploads… where I would upload a video a day of a different place in Arizona- parks, malls, museums, etc.

The added benefits were that it would push me to stop moping on the sofa in my free time, and while visiting the places to film, I could also capture photos and type a review out- helping to build out the information on Google Maps.

As I was uploading, I organized my channel’s layout with the main headers being the main category and then had playlists or videos under each category. By doing so, I was able to start building a visual library of places.

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After that, on December 17th 2021, I decided to continue uploading a video a day, but to focus on playgrounds… a-la my Playground a Day Challenge. As a child at heart, I have always loved playgrounds, and now they have evolved so much from the simple wooden slides of the past. I always have a blast trying out the new taller slides and other whimsical features.

Since then, I have amassed over 25,000 impressions of my videos since starting my channel in 2021. Out of that, I have had almost 3,000 views of 40 plus hours of watch time. This aligned with my goal of spreading awareness of Google Maps and the Local Guides Program.

Now… I want to continue the video challenge. I’ve been consistently doing one upload a day of a place in Arizona and I want to keep doing that until I have at least a year’s worth of an upload a day. Doing so would be a feat that can further bring more attention to Google Maps/ Local Guides, and perhaps draw more interest and participants in the program. I hope that by sharing my passion for exploring and guiding that it can inspire others to do so too.

In this continued challenge, I will build on the visual library of local hiking trails, and I also want to start adding more driving videos of our different highways and cities. Yesterday (March 19, 2022), I announced the launch through video below:

Excited to see what it brings and excited to keep exploring as I film! :hugs: :sparkling_heart:



This is an awesome idea. That Director Badge seems like it could never happen for me, but I haven’t considered just getting out and making one video a day. Seems easy enough, right? Thanks for all the work bringing attention to Local Guides!


You got this @JustJake :two_hearts:

How is it going with the videos? Have you been able to make more videos since then? :cactus:

(A belated response from me as this comment may have slipped under my radar…)


@AZ_2021 I think I was able to get 1 :pouting_cat: . The videos seem much more difficult to me than the photos. I find it hard to determine what is helpful to see in action versus having a clear still image.


Great point @JustJake

I’ve used the videos more so so that people can get a visual lay of the area. I recall doing videos mostly of city parks, nature trails, or of the ambience of a restaurant or plaza. I feel the video helps make the visual come alive too and it feels more immersive. As an added bonus too, it helped me too when I was getting burn out with just taking pictures to just make short videos instead to switch it up.

:blue_heart: :green_heart:


मुझे बहुत ही सुंदर लगा पढकर इससे मुझे भी और सुंदर विचार पढने एवं सीखने को भी विचार मीलता है


Hallo @AZ_2021

:heart_eyes: Wie konnte ich DIESEN Beitrag übersehen?!?

Ich finde es fantastisch was du hier geschrieben hast. Eine wirklich tolle Beschreibung und eine wunderbare Anregung.

Ich verstehe nun endlich, warum wir auch Zwillinge im Geiste sind was Spielplätze angeht :rofl:

Mein Fokus liegt auf Fotos der einzelnen Spielgeräte, wenn ich es nicht vergesse mache ich auch ein kurzes Video zur Übersicht.

Aber wie geschrieben, WENN ich es nicht vergesse :see_no_evil: dies passiert mit leider noch viel zu oft.

Dank deiner Anregung werde ich hier mehr Aufmerksamkeit aufbringen.

Bemerkenswert wie du hier am Ball geblieben bist :kissing_heart: Mach weiter so, du bist eine wahre Inspiration !!!

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Same here.