The better day will come after this crisis (covid19)


A beautiful photo @Ashish_Kumer . and Thank you for sharing. Could you please explain the interesting scene?

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Hi @AdamGT ,

Last year in December, I and some of my friends went to visit Cox’s Bazar. The second day I and one of my friend went out to see the sunrise early in the morning. I wanted to feel the energy that came from the sun in the meantime, my friend captured the photo. This picture captured in Cox’s Bazar the largest sea beach in the world. That was a great journey.

Thank you for your interest

Be safe from covid19

Please #stay_home


with photography as awesome as yours, scenery as captivating as yours, the best days have come! great job Ashish

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Thank you for taking the time to explain it @Ashish_Kumer

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Thank you @Ewaade_3A



Thank you so much

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It is my pleasure. @Ashish_Kumer