The best food and places to be shared.

To find the best food/restaurant/store is sometimes tricky. Especially when you’re in a different country or visiting a city for the first time.

I really like to add great photos of a great dish in a nice restaurant, share my opinion and try and help others to have the best of a place and add that little detail that may help someone take a decision on what or where to eat. Perhaps people are looking for this great store full of exotic products. It’s just a great experience.

I have a look at what others wrote and the photos they shared of the food and place I fancy visiting. It has become a really good hobby to collaborate on maps. I’d like to return the favour!

Also, it’s great when you evaluate a place and they feedback on your evaluation. Sometimes even asking “What can we do to improve?” It’s a very lively community.

For me, it’s fulfilling to help others. It’s what drives me to share more and more whenever possible. I’m thrilled to be a part of this community, a place full of people who wants to share their experiences.