The Beautiful City : Groningen

Er gaat niks boven Groningen is the city’s slogan.

Groningen is the largest city in the north of the Netherlands with almost 200,000 inhabitants. More than 1/4 of those in habitants is student. This makes Groningen a vibrant and youthful city.

The city is powered by and for students. With the university buildings scattered across the city, the students really dominate the city.

It is easy to travel from Groningen to other cities of Netherlands such as Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Den Haag, Maastricht, etc. and also it is really close to Germany.

Groningen embodies the picturesque Dutch ideal. The streets are lined with bicycles, the city centre is surrounded by canals crammed with houseboats, and the tall, narrow bell-roofed houses are abundant. When these cityscapes form part of your daily life, it is easy to take these scenes for granted. * but be careful when you park your bike, you NEED to lock it. because a lot of people stealing bike here, even you lock your bike they still can stole it.

as we know the weather is suck in here, rain rain and rain and the wind is also very strong.

but , just remember the Netherlands is a tiny country. Yes, in Dutch terms Groningen is far from everything. But realistically, all the big cities are merely a few hours away if you miss the big city vibe by Flix bus or Train. and you also need around 2 hours to go to Bremen, Germany and only cost 7 till 10 euro.

if you have a plans to visit Groningen, let me know and I will show you around.

Fijne dag


Hi @claudiaamanda

This is your great Post, Do your best and every body will come to your post with their comment and dont worry, if they like your post, of course they will give you kudos, lets do our best as volunteers, Good job and Succes.

PaDeSSo ~ Indonesia Local Guides


@PaDeSSo Thank you :slight_smile:


Oh myy… What a beautiful photo.


@futnotecom Thank you :slight_smile:


Hi @claudiaamanda .

Great post.

Love the color, it is different color with what we can find in Indonesia.

The yellow flower is so yellow.

Did you take all this pictures just using your smartphone ?

You should apply the Connect Live 2019. And tell the world about Groeningen from your point of view.


Hi @claudiaamanda

Very beautiful photos.

Thank you for sharing it


Wow. Groningen, such a romantic city, by looking at your admirable pictures. Maybe someday i’ll go there, enjoying the view while cycling around the city. KUDOS!


@BudiFXW well actually it is not flowers, because it’s autumn all the flowers turning yellow and brown :slight_smile: which is very beautiful. and also one of the reason why autumn is my faves season all the time.

some of the picture I only use my smartphones but the rest are from my camera :slight_smile:

and tbh I would like to join the connect live 2019 but during that time I have to finish my master thesis and internship.


@Ddimitra thank you :slight_smile:


@tananda23 yup, you should visit Groningen. but be careful when you cycling around the city. because people here are cycling so fast and the wind is so strong. just let me know if you will be here and I can show you around

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Mooie foto’s @claudiaamanda . Ik ben in het verleden een paar keer in Groningen geweest, maar dat was telkens heel kort (afspraken voor het werk). Misschien moet ik er eens wat langer verblijven :slightly_smiling_face:

Was jij overigens wel eens in België? In juni vindt daar een grote Local Guides Meetup plaats, dus dat zou een goede gelegenheid zijn

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@JanVanHaver Het spijt me, my dutch still sucks :frowning: but I understand what you are saying.

and yes you should stay longer in Groningen, but since it is really small city one day is more than enough to see Groningen.

and I would love to join the meet up in Belgium but during that time I will have my thesis proposal defences.

but let me know if there is any other meet up.

dank u well and goede nacht :slight_smile:

In that case we stick to English, @claudiaamanda . Best of luck with your thesis then and hope to see you at another Meet-up then.

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@JanVanHaver Goedemorgen, yes I think English is better. thank you.

yeah, I hope I can join another meet up :slight_smile: just let me know if there is any other meet up and will try to be there.

Fijne dag