The Alchemy I Needed in Connect Live 2019

“The art of life is sensation.” This movie quote looped in my head on my journey from Port Harcourt, Nigeria to San Francisco, United States.

During my time in California, I connected with a fellow local guide who aided in my rediscovery of the term “alchemy”. Alchemy – in simple terms – is an extraordinary feeling and/or experience that cannot be explained (often times between two or more individuals who share the same experience).

It is not a coincidence that both the quote and this word came within the same period: Connect Live 2019. Words cannot do justice to the experience I had and the sensations I felt, but I will share my perspective. My primary goal for this conference was to deeply connect with other local guides and Googlers.

Deep Connection

When I say deep connection, I mean connecting beyond the surface level. I already knew that those selected to attend Connect Live were 200 of some of the most passionate and well-rounded local guides around the world, so my personal goal was not to prove why I deserved to be there.

I wanted to understand the mindset and behaviours of others who share a similar passion as mine and what keeps them going. In my short time and while soaking every organized chaotic moment, I learned the following about the local guide program, myself, and the world:

Competition keeps the world sane and we cannot deny this. Whether it’s competition with others or competition with ourselves, but our driving force is doing and being better.

You can be in the same room as another person and have completely different experiences. I may not have spoken to as many attendees as others may have, but I observed everything – people’s emotions, expressions, non-verbal languages, even how people in different countries clapped. I may not remember the names of individuals, but I can remember how one lady felt comfortable sitting on the floor eating while others around her sat on the couch; or how some of the African local guides bonded in a circle on the green chairs while waiting for the office hours with Googlers.

Identity can never be fully answered with just one question. Asking someone where they are from is never enough. Where an individual is from may be different from where he or she lives and could be different from where he or she feels connected and is devoted to.

Google thrives on reality. I have worked with many companies on marketing and branding. I have experienced and engaged with the staff of numerous global and multinational companies as well as local ones. I have never felt as understood as I did during this conference – with the Google team present. When what is understood does not need to be explained, you know you are at the right place and with the right people. The Google team truly feels what we feel and understands what we want, but I learned that this conference was more about learning how to deliver what we both feel in a way that we as consumers and local guides expect and will be satisfied with.


Google media team (during Connect Live 2019). I love authenticity. I love honesty. I love taking risks. I love ambition and dedication. I love people who are driven for the sake of keeping their souls alive and that they have found a “match” in their passion and career. Each member of this team illustrates all that I have described. I didn’t interact personally with all, but those I interacted with are definitely special human beings.

Local Guides Socks. For many people, this was more than a perk. You have to ask yourself, why were local guides who were selected to attend Connect Live were still complaining about the “basic” perk as receiving socks? I think for most, receiving this was a tangible sense of belonging to the local guides community.

@brittym and @TraciC . I heard so much about you both prior to the conference and was relieved, when I got there, to know that your personalities are not a façade. You both are beautiful souls, and I could feel your personalities in the different touches of the conference. It’s almost like you both asked each other “how would I feel if I was a local guide attending this conference?”. You ladies thought about every single moment of the conference and speaking on behalf of others, I can tell you that it was noticed and deeply appreciated. I also think you both balance each other out, so I hope you work together for a long time.

@KarenVChin. I knew long before we would get a long as we were kindred spirits, and I was not wrong. Any person that can make others feel comfortable enough to open themselves up has a true power within, and I am happy you’re channeling that power positively in the local guide community. I will always look out for and support you as you have subconsciously done with me. Thank you.

@PaulPavlinovich. You get me in the strangest ways and I am impressed by your response to some of the outrageous things I say but not surprised. Though we didn’t interact much, I really only needed some exchange of words with you to know that.

Google Pixel 3. I nearly teared up when this was announced. The day I was traveling, I was anxious and stressed out, because my phone screen had cracked and I was contemplating whether to buy a new phone just for the conference. I do not get stressed out much, so I could not understand why it was so important to me to have a functioning phone and camera for this conference. I did not have time buy a new phone as I left work early to embark on a 2-hour high-security drive to another city where I would take my international flight, so I just took my loss with pride. It’s just a phone anyway, right? – a friend said to me*.* I nearly teared up, not because of receiving a new free phone, because it was at the moment that I suspected Googlers felt what we felt. Thank you to the masterminds behind this gift.

Nigerian local guides ( @EmekaUlor , @Mayford , @SanyaOdare ). You three have become my family in this community. While each of you are strong figures in the program, I love your that your genuine care has never changed. None of you will never bring up a problem without immediately thinking of a solution. You three inspire me to keep thriving and putting our country on the map (literally and figuratively). I love us; I love our country; and I love what we have to offer to the world.

@RiccyB. You not only helped me understand the word “alchemy” as it applies to our experience, but you helped me realize that passion is not always seen in plain sight. Simply by being fully present and giving your pure self to others, you have shown your passion. I was surprised that I was a lot more reserved during this conference than I normally am, but I really wanted to understand all 300 individuals and take in every single detailed “unseen” experience. Thank you for being a patient individual.

Italian and Australian local guides. These two countries stuck out to me, because each of you individuals are oddly unique yet unapologetically honest and yourself. There were no dull moments with any of you.

One Accessibility Team ( @EmekaUlor , @PennyChristie , @Jesi , @KashifMisidia , @MarineSergent , @Kwiksatik ). I am grateful and appreciative to be amongst a group of leaders in the program. We are not driven by recognition but simply because we each have our own personal deep story of what keeps us going and you can tell. Our chats may get serious at times, but I truly appreciate each and every one of your genuine contributions and personality types ( @Jesi – I admire what your inner self has to offer. On the outside, most see you as shy and quiet, but I see the strong woman you are capable of and will be).

Rounding Off

There were many highlights of the conference and if I keep typing, this post would actually become a book. Thank you everybody. It will be hard for me to share what I felt to those who did not experience what I did, but I will do this through my actions – by being even more dedicated and passionate than I am now.

Fellow local guides, what did you feel during this conference? Any similarities? Which moments stuck out to you? Please share below – let’s continue the Connect experience!

#localguides #localguidesconnect #connectlive


Excellent writing

I believe you guys had an awesome time.

Thanks for sharing your happiness with us @ChinonsoOnukwugha :heart:


I am not surprised you have so much to share and I’m humbled by the fact that you shared your experience from your heart @ChinonsoOnukwugha . This is not just impressive, it creates some kind of reminiscing feeling about the whole event even when you’re thousands of miles away from the US.

Perhaps justice hasn’t been done to your experience, this should be turned into a book anyway, so write more. :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

Connect Live 2019 presented the best moments of 2019 to me and I am grateful to the Google team especially @TraciC and @brittym with their teams. Outstanding!!


Beautiful words @ChinonsoOnukwugha you are a magical soul.

Regards Paul




Great experience of connect, thanks for Sharing with wonderful writing…


It was so wonderful meeting you face to face. We are now sisters @ChinonsoOnukwugha


I actually teared up while I was reading this in line to pass security check at SFO…

You captures all of my (and all of us I think) feelings regarding the event.

I was really taken aback at how open, friendly, and welcoming every single attendee was.

I really do feel like I made friends forever :slightly_smiling_face:

Hope to see you all soon or next year :wink:


@ChinonsoOnukwugha nice words…! I have the same feeling of belongingness in Connect… super cool people with who I usually keep in touch… it´s pretty cool!


@ChinonsoOnukwugha This is so touching and beautifully written! I too felt many of the same emotions while connecting with all the unique souls❤

I also had an epiphany moment on one of the days while sitting at a table with a smile on my face and allowing myself to take in everything I was feeling!

Cheers to keeping the feeling alive inside of us and for all of the kindred friendships that this event brought to our lives!


Wow, @ChinonsoOnukwugha - I really appreciate you taking the time to truly express your inner feelings and gratitude for the experience that Connect Live was. You truly did go deep in terms of what you’ve reflected on, things that hadn’t even crossed my mind but make so much sense in the grander scheme. For those of us who have attended a few times, it is always hard to explain and describe what an experience CL is to someone who is selected, and that’s actually a good thing considering that although each attendee may have different perspectives, we’re collectively gathered around many similar passions - and reading your thoughts prove that.

This was exceptionally beautiful.


@ChinonsoOnukwugha thank you for sharing these words, I think you are right. These experience was full of alchemy. Simply sit down and speak about day by day life with strangers, that for my nature is not so simple, cames simple in the reality of Local Guides Connect Live! I hope to live again a similar situation. Thank all of you readers for sharing a piece of yourself during the meeting!


Thank you for putting your thoughts into words and sharing them here with us, @ChinonsoOnukwugha . I love every part of this, it’s a great summary of these last few days, with the emotional part and deep thoughts described perfectly. I was trying hard not to cry, but your post finally did it.

Thank you for what you said about me, here and in person, I really appreciate it. It was very nice to meet you, you are a great person and I really hope we see each other again.


Hi @ChinonsoOnukwugha Thanks for Tagging me in such a beautiful written post. Yes I really missed to be there, because it was a great chance for to learn from my wonderful fellow team members.

But hope for the best for future.

Thanks again Chinonso.

Shukriya :pray:


@anazizullah @Shrut19 You’re welcome!

Haha thank you @Mayford :slightly_smiling_face: I am very grateful to them as well!

@PaulPavlinovich Aww thank you!

@PennyChristie Agreed! You are very sweet.

Awww @sabrina-ssch I’m glad you were moved by this. I feel the same as well!

@marcorp Exactly. Thank you!


I’m with you on this @anyaamorimV I think at one point, I had to pull away, sit by myself at a table and just take in everything around me. It was only a brief moment as other local guides came up and we had a conversation! haha

@SP31 Thank you for your words. During brunch, I actually said to myself “I wish I had more time to get to know you”. Your positive energy is contagious!

@RiccyB Aww I hope so too :slightly_smiling_face:

@Jesi You’re welcome and crying is definitely allowed.

You’re welcome @KashifMisidia Until next time we meet!


@ChinonsoOnukwugha you are a gem. Meeting you was an amazing privilege. I have admited your strength online for months, and seeing your personality in person gave so much depth to every memory of you. Thank you!!!


Hi @ChinonsoOnukwugha

Brillant post, great recap. Congratulations!

I hope we will have the opportunity to see again.

Take care



It was such a pleasure to meet you in person, @ChinonsoOnukwugha , as you, too, were always smiling! I loved reading this recap and am nearly speechless with how beautiful this post is, but all I can say is I will share this with all the Googlers from the event AND want to add that yes, “how would I feel if I was a local guide attending this conference?” is the question @brittym and I asked ourselves throughout the planning period!! :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you so much for taking the time to write this, @ChinonsoOnukwugha ! We will pass your gratitude onto the Pixel team—we’re delighted to welcome you to the Pixel family at such a fortuitous time! I can personally say that I adored the amount of fun you, and the others representing African countries, were having on the dance floor at the Closing Party. The joy you all emulated and the bond you had was just infectious! Thank you for being you! It really was our pleasure to host you and I’m glad your time in San Jose made an indelible mark.


Thank you for the sweet words @Kwiksatik !

@Julien44 Thank you. I hope so as well.

@TraciC Thank you very much. Awww wow that means a lot - re sharing it. Haha yaay I’m glad you both did, because asking that really took things up a notch. And even those inflatable pools!

@brittym You’re welcome! And thank you, I am thrilled to be a part of the Pixel team. Haha yesss if you ever want to find the Africans in a building, just play music and we’ll all come to one area! Thank you again.