The 7 Vintage Mosques in Jakarta

Wonderful post, all are beautiful Masjid in Jakarta @Ddimitra

Thank you for sharing with us.

A beautiful Masjid in our City.


Hi @AbdullahAM

Thank you for your kind words.

Masya Allah your photo look nice. Small and beautiful mosque.

Nice to meet you.


Thank you Mbak Devi @Ddmitra for sharing story about mosques in the Jakarta area. Nice article. This will help travelers of places to go in Jakarta, especially if they would like to visit these vintage and beautiful mosques with loads of history like the ones you mention in the article. KUDOS!



Beautiful Masjid @Muhardi54




Halo @Muhardi54 ,

Salam Kenal sebelumnya.

Terima kasih telah berbagi dengan kami, mengingat sudah ada therad yang bejalan mengenai topik ini maka saya akan menggabungkannya kedalam topik -The 7 Vintage Mosques in Jakarta.

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Hello @Angga_Alfiansah ,

Welcome to Connect!

Thank you for sharing this photo with us. In Arabic, istiqlal means independence. Does this mosque have a special history for naming it like this?

Since this is your first post, you can always introduce yourself and get to know other Local Guides via our monthly topic Introduce Yourself - February 2019.

PS: I will merge your post to the following: The Seven Vintage Mosques in Jakarta, as the content is almost similar.


Istiqlal Mosque (literal meaning: Masjid Merdeka) is the national mosque of the Republic of Indonesia which is located in the former Wilhelmina Park, in the Northeast Medan Merdeka Square in the middle of which stands the National Monument (Monas), in the center of the capital Jakarta. Across the East this mosque stands the Jakarta Cathedral Church. The high priest is Prof. Dr. Nasaruddin Umar, M.A. and the Chairperson of the Executing Agency of the Istiqlal Mosque is Laksma (Ret.) H. Asep Saefuddin.

After the war of Indonesian independence, big ideas began to develop to establish a national mosque. The idea of ​​building a mosque was sparked after four years of the proclamation of independence. The idea of ​​building a state mosque is in line with the traditions of the Indonesian people which since the days of ancient kingdoms have built monumental religious buildings that symbolize the country’s glory. For example, in the days of the Hindu-Buddhist empire, the Indonesian people had succeeded in building the Borobudur and Prambanan temples. That’s why at the time of Indonesia’s independence the idea was to build a magnificent grand mosque and deserved the title as the country’s largest Muslim mosque in the world.


Hi @Angga_Alfiansah ,

Thank you for sharing this interesting information! I have just moved your post out of the Spam section. I am sorry that your post had been marked as spam. Our filters run 24/7 and they can be a little harsh at times. You can take a look at this article to learn more - Why was my Connect post marked as spam?

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Halo @Muhardi54

Salam kenal.

Masjidnya cantik ya. Terletak di Sunter, di kanan kirinya rumah mewah. Apa Yang membuat kamu suka dengan masjid ini?


Hi @Angga_Alfiansah

Great photo!


Salam kembali mba

Masjid dg arsitektur yang unik sebagai tempat ibadah kaum muslim diwakafkan oleh bapak Romli Musofa warga keturunan Tionghwa


I have visited only one in Kuala Lumpur in 2008 @Ddimitra @ and unfortunately I forget it’s name in old city


I think its Jamek mosque.

Or else?

You should stop by at Jakarta to see the old mosques here