Thankyou Local Guide Family

I don’t have words to explain how much i am happy with this … but surely feel worthy to share it.

From few months back we celebrated our Local Guide Tshirt event meetup and it was really amazing :star_struck: . Sharing knowledge to eachother and while connecting with eachother we observed many new things which hill help us to know eachother in better way.

But after that my Local Guide account got blocked suddenly… I’m unable to log into Local Guide :pensive: which really feels Sad for me. I don’t know how , where and when it was happened, what was the wrong … I don’t know.

But… in deeper into my heart :heart: i felt …if i did nothing wrong , lets try to request Google Local Guides to help me out .

I tried to find out what goes wrong , then suddenly noticed that, my google account got duplicates images due to some glitch, same image with 3 to 4 times uploaded ( i didn’t post that many times because … i know what are the guidelines for Local Guides)

After this i tried to appealing for try again to check my account and Restore my account.

After many efforts & too many patients and also with the help of @TravellerG & @NareshDarji my Account got Reactivated. :sparkles: :heart:

Thankyou so much for your support… i really appreciate. I feels like Local Guide is not only creating platform for intresting things like food, traveling, events, celebration, achivements … But also creating a FAMILY to help eachother, support eachother…


Premal Patel


:pleading_face: Was für ein Schreck das gewesen sein muss :pleading_face:

Ich kann sehr gut nachfühlen, dass dies einen großen Kummer verursacht haben muss @Premalpatel

Wie schön, dass dir aus der Community geholfen wurde!


ja sehr wahr, vielen Dank für deine lieben Worte :face_holding_back_tears: @Stephanie_OWL


Hello very dear @Premalpatel ,

Thank you very much for mentioning my name in your post, though I don’t deserve much…

It was our dear & respected Naresh Ji who did the miracle.

We both felt really sorry, because you are a very genuine LG & we love you a lot.

We are happy that we were a part of a successful operation.

Most sincerely yours,

@NareshDarji .



I just tried my best and am glad to see you active again on Connect. @Premalpatel

Happy to Help you.