Thanks for your sacrifice

I was truly humbled this afternoon, my friend wanted to pay her respects to her parents so I tagged along. This is a place that grips your soul and makes you realize the magnitude of war, the lives it destroys and as you can see in one of my photos leaves some to stand alone and honor our fallen heroes. Jefferson Memorial is a place I will not soon forget. Thanks to all our men and women who selflessly give everything.

  1. I was truly humbled this afternoon, my friend wanted to pay her respects to her parents so I tagged along. This is a place that grips your soul and makes you realize the magnitude of war, the lives it destroys and as you can see in one of my photos leaves some to stand alone and honor our fallen heroes. Jefferson Memorial is a place I will not soon forget. Thanks to all our men and women who selflessly give everything.

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Not sure why this keeps happening, I’m only posting once. Maybe because the posts are so spectacular…lol