received limited edition Google Maps Pin . I am very happy to share it. looking forward more gifts from the google maps.Hello @Prabinshahu
A big congratulations to you for this reward from the local guides team. Hope this will inspire you to contribute more quality to the maps and participate actively on connect.
Have you introduced yourself formally on the forum? If you haven’t, please do so on The Introduce-Yourself-March-2023 . You will read introduction from other local guides too,so feel free to join in.
Maybe I’ll also present you A Welcome-to-Connect-Card . Feel free to ask questions if you need guidance over issues here on connect or on the maps.
Enjoy your badge,it looks really cool on you.
Happy guiding
Congratulations @Prabinshahu
thank you. @Saiyen @pacificmit @SholaIB
thank you.
Thank you . i have gone through your post that you have suggested. it s really.
Hello @DshottDennis
Thank you for your support as good local guides. Keep active and contribute quality as always.