Thank you for you a local guide .Because you're my best achievement

This post based on my personal experience ,so little bit feeling emotional for remember all moment especially speaking about achievement as a local guide .

Caption : a letter happy 5TH birthday local guides connect with various of accesoris from local guides teh @@IndahNuria

So today I got special gift 5th birthday connect . Yes ,real gift . A courier with a gift box in his hand and that’s for me .Special gift from fellow local guide and also our new connect moderator teh

@indahnuria . And this not my first gift . Third ,fourth or more even I can’t counting for her generous heart .

Look back to my first sign in here on connect .When I feeling as stranger and trying to interact with fellow local guides . Upload a single picture without description but still I received kudos.Feeling wonder I don’t know anyone here . I got comment from various languange also .Feel amazed ,stay keep in touch without know each other before . Sometimes I chit chat via comment on localguidesconnect look like instant messanger with teh @Ant_Bad_Yogi .So much fun experience .

My first meet-up with fellow local guide which is I know him from connect @PaDeSSo I got surpires gift .Yeah gift t-shirt Meet-up Nusantara second edition for free . Next episode is I got so many prize from Padesso and I can’t count . All pin ,chains ,board local guides acrylic ,all packages from local guide Padesso .

caption :blue pin local guides and board acrylic local guides created by padesso .

Local guides is volunteer program .But so much fellow local guides with generous heart sharing their passion as local guide Not only sharing about experience ,knowledge ,even sharing prize .Shopping Voucher , accesoris ,credit e-money ,T shirt and much more. I still vividly remember local guide @EugeGallardo from Argentina created a letter with sweet candy andentrusted to me through an Argentinian friend’s connect live participant .

caption: local guides @NyaiNurjanah show a gift letter from Argentina local guide @@EugeniaGallardo .

As local guide I reached level 10 with 4 master badge on Google maps for my contribution . On connect I got 23 various badges on connect . And my data said including badge connect moderator and guiding stars 2020 .

Caption: various badge as local guides on localguidesconnet and google maps

When one question come out to me :

"Which is your fav badge or achievement badge ? "

My answer very simple . My best achievement as local guides is you .Yes the answer is YOU .You as a local guides . You a local guides who dedication your passion for helping other ,for concern acecibility , for support small business. For you who taking every single time for maps better, more accurate and full of usefull information .Local guide like you is all my inspiration . I’m nothing without you . From buttom my heart I wanna say thanks for you , you a local guide , part from 150 million of global community .

" Thank you so much fellow local guide because we’re connected and stay keep in touch ! ."

This post I dedicated for challenge local guides connect 5th birthday . Week-1-My-achievements-are-ConnectTurns5Challenge initiative by @AdrianLunsong . I’m so sorry because too late for joining . hopefully still okay .

See you around and thanks so much


Nyaiiiiiiii @Nyainurjanah hugs hugs… It was a pleasure knowing you and I have been a big fan since then. We first met in VMU and as I learnt more about you on one of the virtual meet-ups, I know you are special. And that’s the beauty of Connect. For a total stranger to best friends though separated afar. Sukabumi has been very special to me as well Nyai … And how I am very pleased to know that we share this beautiful land one way or another.

@AdrianLunsong , my post for this is comiiiing… been battling with horrible cough lately and things are falling behind. Hope I can catch up soon.


Hai @Nyainurjanah and @indahnuria .

Both of you are generous Connect moderators.

Mbak Indah send a package full of gifts and Nyai when I asked about your experience visiting Kasepuhan with Google team, you send me a book about that Kasepuhan.

When you go back from Connect Live 2019, immediately you snd me PEGMAN pin.

This pin of course mean a lot for you but you send it to me.

Nice to know and learn many things from both of you Nyai and mbak Indah.


That is so sweet. Glad to be a partner in crime on here with all. Im a jokster, but that was awesome… great job!!


likewise Pak @BudiFXW … super happy to have amazing friends like you all! Again, Connect proves to be a lovely place where we can develop our skills, friendships, and horizon! And the most important part is…it’s FUN! Enjoy the ride @Nyainurjanah


Oh my god! First of all, congratulations, mbak @indahnuria . I might be late for this news as I have been busy with work. It’s nice we have one more Connect Moderator from Indonesia. :slightly_smiling_face:

Teh @Nyainurjanah Thank you so much for mentioning me and remembering our good time commenting back and forth on Connect. You are real role model to me. I really love your sincerity and purity. I remember you posted something about your small accident but then you still laid down on a grass field and smile. That makes me laughed and I started to adore you. Thank you for sharing this post too. You are my inspiration. :slightly_smiling_face: Hug hug.


Awww téh @indahnuria big hug to you too .love love love …

You’re soooo special mbak ,I promised to my self after pandemic really gone ,I think I can come to Jakarta again and hopefully we can meet-up. I know you’re very busy schedule before you escape not stay in Indonesia LOL


Thank you so much teh @Ant_Bad_Yogi … WE DO MISS YOU! I know exactly works can be overwhelming sometimes… Hope all is well and see you around in Connect


iyaaa teeeh @Nyainurjanah … I would like to come and visit SUKABUMI, my mom’s hometown! It has been too long since I came here and I really miss it. I miss the cool air, Selabintana, Cikaret, Kupat tahu, simping, seupi goreng, bala - bala dan semuaaa semauaa hahahaha. Hope we can actually meet in person ya Nyai… before my next assignment! Cheeers and stay healthy!


You always welcome in Sukabumi anytime téh @indahnuria .

Gorengan ,leupeut,bala bala ,cilok jeung sajabana always ready ya .

Luv luv luv

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aaaah jadinya ngileeer jeung kabitaaaa teeh @Nyainurjanah … ayooo atuh kapan bisa ketemua. Semoga soon yaa teeeeh. Cheers from Jakarta

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Harus di O - TE - WE kan pokoknya ya teh @indahnuria setelah pandemic ini berlalu .Amin amin amin

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Thanks so much pak @BudiFXW .

Very grateful to stay keep in touch with you . You’re role model , contribution without limit and I learned so much .

Warm regard from Nyai


Ahahaha @Blue2uBaby

Why not we’re partnership for a crime action ,OOPS !

Thanks souch fun fun Joking , see you around !

Tetehhhhh @Ant_Bad_Yogi I miss you …

I know you’re fine and hopefuly always good in time , I know you’re busy for something and honestly that happened to me also 5555 .

Thanks for too much compliment téh , cheers for all of us . Stay keep in touch .

Blessing for your life

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aamiiiin … in syaa Allah bisaa ya kita ketemuan teh @Nyainurjanah … all the bset selalu dan ditunggu yaaaaa

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@Nyainurjanah congratulations :tada: :confetti_ball:

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Thank you so much @SagarKulkarni

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Hi smile @Nyainurjanah wow , congratulations my friend. I liked plenty of perks there around you :wink: .

You can spread them out in one room make it a playing room like a museum, and memories.

Enjoy .

If you don’t want any of them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: send me one lol


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Awww thanks so much @OSAMA_1 .

Send to Jordan hmm too far because out of Indonesia .

Stay safe my friend .

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