Thank you for making me "India's First LG" to RECIEVE 50,000 Kudos & I GAVE 51,000 Kudos- TravellerG

Photo #1; The cover photo for the post.

Hi, my very dear friends,

My heartfelt thanks to each one of you!

Let me be very frank with you; I was timid about publically talking about ‘my achievements’ - but thanks, with the comments by Google Moderator @DeniGu in one of the replies and the inspiration from Connect Moderator @TusharSuradkar , I am trying this post; maybe some of my ‘Achievements’ can inspire others.

50,000 Kudos Received:

I am very grateful to all my LG friends who supported me in this accomplishment; I believe that the statistics are clear from the following screenshot. In India, I stand the first and have the 6th position globally. In India and globally, Connect Moderator @NareshDarji ji is next to me (with 45,571 Kudos)

Photo #2A; The screenshot of the ‘Leaderboard’ statistics available within the Connect; These are the top 20 LGs and their score (all statistics are as of 10th Feb 2024) of the “All time” total Kudos received by them.

Photo #2B; If the ‘Time Range’ is selected as “Last Year”, then, I stand in the second position, globally.

The top 12 LGs who contributed to this success:

Photo #3; The screenshot of the ‘Leaderboard’ with a different ‘Filter’; These are the top 12 LGs, their position (& the number of Kudos) who contributed Kudos to this success.

51,000 Kudos Given:

I am proud and happy that I could express my appreciation to my fellow LGs by giving them 51,000 Kudos. I hope, our @DeniGu will be able to declare who is top globally and in India.

The top 12 LGs to whom I have given the Kudos:

Photo #4; The screenshot of the ‘Leaderboard’ with another ‘Filter’; These are the top 12 LGs, their position (& the number of Kudos) to whom I gave Kudos.

The total number of “Topics Covered” (posts published):

This is regarding the no of posts published in LG Connect (this number is available towards the middle of our ‘Profile Page’). While our Connect Moderator @TusharSuradkar has close to or over 600 posts (hearty congratulations), I stand with 436 posts (this post is 436th).

The number of Badges received in Connect:

I have gained 25 Badges so far and am looking forward to more; in India, I believe that our dear @NareshDarji Ji tops with 30 Badges (Great Achievement - Congrats!) and @TusharSuradkar follows with 26 Badges.

The screenshots of my badges are Here & Here.

My humble Tips: Almost past 7 years, I have been consistent in attending Connect, writing posts, reading and responding to my friends and fellow LGs/newcomers; of course, I have been active in Indian and International Social Media Communities, inspiring them to be active. Also, I have gained a lot of friends from my ‘Meet-ups’ (in different parts of India). Along with the above, sharing my knowledge with these communities has very much helped me in achieving these goals.


If you are eager to know what your numbers of Kudos ‘Given & Received’ are, stay tuned; I shall publish a brief ‘Tutorial’ on this, shortly.

Request the readers to give me feedback and your thoughts, so that I can improve further.

Regards to you all.


I express my humble gratitude to all the members, especially to @AjitThite @Shrut19 @Gurukrishnapriya @Anil6969 @KashifMisidia @Jose_G_Benjamin @helga19

Tejal, Tamarinda2 and IndahNuria (tagging in the next message)


Continued from the main post:

Hello friends…
@Tejal @Tandrima2 @indahnuria @AdamGT @Ewaade_3A @Gurukrishnapriya @ErmesT @Sophia_Cambodia @renata1 @BudiFXW

Hope you all will respond.

Thanks in advance.


Great achievement @TravellerG

Really happy to see your achievement. You deserve this achievement. It is great to see that you have included me in the joy of your achievement.Many many congratulations on your achievement :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada:

Achieve more like this in future :+1:

All the best for your future achivement


Wow, what a fantastic achievement! :heart_eyes: @TravellerG Sir.

I’m incredibly proud of you for reaching the top spot in India and ranking 6th globally.

It truly speaks volumes about your dedication, hard work, and the positive impact you’ve made within the LG community.


Huge Congratulations on your many achievements @TravellerG

As they say in America, “You have touched the tops” meaning you have scaled many peaks.

I think the astronomical numbers are attributed to your large number of contributions that are of very high quality, consistency, and perseverance over several years.

Also, I notice you actively participate in engaging communication with local guides over various topics and share your knowledge liberally gaining accolades from local guides in every corner of the world.

I am glad to give you companionship in the top 10 of the leaderboards.

Another number that you could include me in the main post is about the number of badges - I have 26.

Heartiest congratulations once again :bouquet: and hope you sustain the tempo and enthusiasm.

There is a lot that Indian local guides can learn from your contributions and achievements i.e. if at all they find some time from the endless chatting on private groups outside LG Connect :blush:


I am really proud of your achievements, @TravellerG sir!

You have always been my constant source of support and knowledge, and as I already mentioned, you have given me the most of your kudos. I’m grateful for that.

My warmest regards for continued success in the future.



That’s really a great achievement sir!

Congratulations to you :clap:



So proud of you sir you are real hero of connect…

Regards Tejal


Hey @TravellerG

Hearty Congratulations for the lovely accomplishment. You are indeed an inspiration and amazing resource of knowledge. I contribute to connect as and when I get time from my busy schedules. Please do share the tutorial on where to look for Kudos. I keep giving them to many posts that I read. :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


@TravellerG sir ji

Very big achievement would be like great local gaide Google meet & photo traveller G wo wonderful great :+1: :+1: India first good making sir



** @TravellerG **

:clap: :clap: Wow Very well done…

you deserve it…

Thanks for Tag…

your activities on comment & other communication platform is commendable…

keep sharing,

keep doing active contribution,

keep mapping…

I love your presentable idea of Post…

look awesome…

thankyou for sharing…


That’s a great achievement @TravellerG . It’s not easy to get 25 badges. As you told your contributions are consistent. I am happy that I was in the top 12 LGs list in making you to get this badge. In my list you are on the top of the board. Thanks again for the continuous hard work and efforts put by you.


Hai @TravellerG .

I do follow @Shrut19 , @Tejal , @Tandrima2 , @TusharSuradkar , @AjitThite , @HinalLad , @NareshDarji , @MayuriKubal and @JitendraKumarprasa to congratulate you for your achievement.

this fifty thousand kudos show that you always supporting Local Guides here on Connect by posting dan uploading positive comment.

Thank you for supporting, especially your support to me.

Keep on contributing on Google Maps and here on Local Guides Connect.


What a fantastic milestone @TravellerG

Your many kudos are much deserved! :star_struck:



Huge achievement congratulations :confetti_ball:

India would be proud


Great achievement and congratulations


Amazing Dada. It’s all possible due to your supporting nature and dedication towards the community. God Bless You.


Congratulations @TravellerG sir for this great accomplishment :bouquet: :bouquet: :bouquet: . You are a very well known person globally, your dedication, contributions to LG connect are endless. You are always there first to assist the community members. Your achievements in LG forum are inspiring. All the best!


Hvala vam gospodine @TravellerG što ste me označili.

Moje iskrene čestitke za vaše veliko postignuće.

Tako sam sretna što sam među 12 najboljih LG-a kojima ste dali najveći broj pohvala :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:

Tako sam ponosna na sebe, a i na vas naravno.

Pozdrav i sve najbolje vam želim…

:blush: :croatia:

1 Like

Thanks for the inspiration of journey :pray: and sharing their Achievement with all of us.

Proud of you.

More power to you.

