Thailand - 2 weeks trip in February - our itinerary

Salut la communauté !

As already teased in a much earlier post, my husband and I made a big jump from Europe to Asia for the first time last February. As said, we are no big adventurers but really enjoyed our trip and I would like to share some tips with those who like us would like to try travel to Asia but do not know how to start.

So maybe first thing I could share with you: our itinerary.

Day 1-3: Bangkok

We landed directly in Bangkok and decided beforehand not to stay too long in the city. We actually had only one full day in the capital as we arrived on day 1 and we were already travelling forward to Chiang Mai at the end of the 3rd day. This is really a personal choice as we were not really sure we would enjoy the big city.

At the end we were really happy not to stay longer in Bangkok. We much more enjoyed the rest of our vacation.

However, we are really happy we went to Bangkok as well: the city is impressive and you have plenty of things to do. I think we were just not well prepared and if you arrive to a city without any plans of what to do you can easily feel a bit lost or overwhelmed. I guess this is what happened to us.

Day 4-10: Chiang Mai

We wanted to stay a bit longer in Chiang Mai because we knew a city of this size would be a better match for us. In contrary to Bangkok, we had better prepared our stay in Chiang Mai and enjoyed it way more.

We found the atmosphere of the city, the activities and the food really amazing and I can only recommend anyone to stop and spend a bit of time here.

What may be a bit disappointing about Chiang Mai is that the city is invaded by western tourists. Nevertheless, you can really find nice things to do there.

Day 11-15: Koh Lanta

We were super excited about ending our Thailand trip with a bit of chilling on white sand beaches. We were first considering island hopping but finally decided to spend the rest of our time on Koh Lanta. We chose this island because we read it was not as full of tourists as other islands can be. Koh Lanta is not famous for being a party place and that was perfect for us as we just wanted to enjoy nice views, the sea and a bit of calm.

We were really not disappointed and had the opportunity to do plenty of things on this little island. We found the food quality not as good as in Chiang Mai or Bangkok but when you eat with your feet in the sand you don’t care long :slight_smile:

If you are interested in more tipps or info about our beginner’s trip to Thailand, I will gladly post more information about:

  1. How we got from a city to the other and how we traveled within the cities

  2. Where we slept and our learnings from it

  3. What we did to spend so much time in Chiang Mai

  4. The huge mistakes we made in Koh Lanta and how we plan on avoiding to do it again in the future

  5. Show you our budget for our 2 weeks with a detailed on what we spent our money and what costs we could have avoided

  6. Make for you a selection of apps we used much there and the ones I wished we had

Hope it was worth reading for you and do not hesitate to ask if you have some specific questions!

Bien à toi,



Hi @Clemie

Welcome to Local Guides Connect!

It is a very nice place. Thank you sharing your experience with us. Is it your first visit there?

What impressed you the most during this trip? Since you’re new to the community, you might want to share a bit more about yourself and get to know others in our monthly Introduce Yourself — September 2019 Also, you can read these 14 helpful tips for using Connect, and What are Connect topics?

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Hi @Aruni

Thank you for your comment on my post. I joined Local Guides Connect in April and already wrote some lines about myself.

And to answer your question, yes, it was my first time in Thailand. I was really impressed by how tourists friendly the country is. You can get anywhere easily, the locals are friendly and doing their best to make this trip the best experience possible.

@Clemie wow it’s amazing. nice story and photos. thanks for sharing with us your story.

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Thank you for the feedback @SunMoon