Texas #StateChallenge Meet-up and Trivia Quiz

What do you know about the state of Texas? Even if you’ve never been there, learn what is there and maybe visit one day

…and the GUEST HOST for the state of Texas?? @Erna_LaBeau !!!

For TRIVIA PORTION… In an effort to make sure that all attendees have a chance to become the TRIVIA KING/QUEEN of the featured state, we have decided to give all former Trivia Kings and Queens a deficit of “-200” points for each time they have previously won 1st place.

  1. This should give those who haven’t won before a better chance
  2. Provide some additional challenge to those who have won before

Here are our previous winners and their current deficits.


Date: Saturday, January 23, 2021
URL: The meet-up URLs will only be provided from the #Statechallellenge Google Group.


Time: 17:00 UTC

  • 12:00 noon New York, NY, USA
  • 05:00 pm London, United Kingdom
  • 06:00 pm Lagos, Nigeria
  • 06:00 pm Berlin, Germany
  • 10:00 pm Pakistan
  • 10:30 pm New Delhi, India
  • 04:00 am Sydney, Australia


The currently posted articles

  1. “Dallas” Memories of the Southfork Ranch @SilvyC
  2. River Walk, Alamo, Missions and more, San Antonio, Texas #Statechallenge @jayasimha78
  3. JFK Memorial, AT&T Stadium, Old Red Museum & More… Dallas, Texas #StateChallenge @jayasimha78
  4. Crazy fun things to see in Amarillo, Texas @Denise_Barlock
  5. Texas - The Lone Star State @Erna_LaBeau

Articles will be added here as they are posted through Friday before the meet-up. There are a lot of good questions hidden in these posts! Time to study up!

===>>> Tell us about YOUR article!!! Provide a link in the comments below


So much cool information…

  1. Dr Pepper was invented in Texas in 1885
  2. The first frozen margarita machine was invented in Dallas
  3. Bugs Bunny’s catchphrase “What’s Up, Doc?” originated in Dallas
  4. The Six Flags Over Texas theme park is named for the six countries that have ruled over Texas
  5. Texas uses its own power grid, separate from the rest of the United States
  6. The Texas flag’s designer is unknown
  7. The colors used on the Texas flag are the exact same as those used on the United States flag
  8. The deadliest natural disaster in United States history occurred in Texas
    • The Great Galveston Hurricane of 1900 took between 6,000 and 12,000 lives with a storm surge of 8–15 feet (2.4–4.5 meters). The next deadliest hurricane in U.S. history was Hurricane Katrina, which claimed 1,200 lives.
  9. The largest known bat colony in North America is located in Texas
  10. The fastest road in the United States is located in Austin
    • In a rural stretch located between Austin and San Antonio, the speed limit of a 40-mile (64-meter) stretch of a toll road is 85 mph (137 kmph). Texas also has the fastest average legal speed at 78.3 mph (126kmph).
  11. The Texas State Capitol building is the largest state capitol in the nation
    • In terms of gross square footage, the Texas Capitol is only smaller in size to the U.S. Capitol building. Additionally, the Texas Capitol dome actually sits 7 feet (2.13 meters) higher than the U.S. Capitol’s.
  12. Texas is larger than any country in Europe
  13. King Ranch, located in Kingsville, is larger than the state of Rhode Island
  14. Texas has three of the top 10 most populous cities in the U.S
  15. Amarillo is considered the “Helium Capital of the World.”
  16. A time capsule in Texas contains a passbook to a bank account expected to be worth $1 quadrillion by the time it opens in 2968.
  17. Everyone in the town of DISH, Texas, received free basic television and DVRs for ten years from DISH Network in exchange for renaming their town to DISH from Clark

(Information sourced from https://theculturetrip.com/north-america/usa/texas/articles/17-texas-facts-that-will-blow-you-away/https://state.1keydata.com/kansas.php#fun-facts)


ALL Local Guides around the world are welcome to participate in the #StateChallenge!!

Everyone is invited to participate, whether they have visited the state themselves, or are daydreaming about what the featured have to offer.

If you write an article, make sure to link to it in the comments of this post AND put #StateChallenge in the title!

  • Submit your article by NOON Pacific Standard Time the day before the meet-up.
  • 500 words or less is best
  • Link your article in the comments so we can add it to the #StudyGuide

More details of the challenge are here.

Meet-up Format

Based on feedback, we have to determined to have two games in one!

  1. We are going to use our previous Jeopardy-style format to determine the questions and answers… and there WILL be a TRIVIA KING/QUEEN determined based on the highest points earned.
  2. The answers will be used on a bingo board… and there WILL be a BINGO KING/QUEEN determined based on the first bingo found!


  1. Everyone will be given a link to their own personal randomized card with #StateChallenge answers at the time of the game
  2. Selections on the Bingo board will be answers from the Jeopardy-style trivia quiz.
  3. After EVERYONE knows each answer, each player looks at their online Bingo card to see if the answer is on their card. The player will mark their online Bingo card if the answer is found.
  4. Questions will continue to be read until someone becomes the winner. The winner will either be determined by the first person to fill their card or able to create a straight line of 5 on their card. Which way to play will be told to everyone before the game begins.

Here is a YouTube with an explanation of Bingo and here for a history of Bingo.

WHY WE CHANGED FORMATS: We wanted to change the meet-ups to

  1. make it easier for non-native English speakers
  2. provide an element of chance to determine the winner
  3. enable us to easily scale to larger audiences
  4. encourage everyone to actively participate

Previous winner RULES


From Where

Featured State



North Carolina

Maine - New York




Montana - North Carolina



United Kingdom

4th of July - Massachusetts - Washington DC








Arizona - California - Georgia - New York - Alaska




Florida - Missouri




Michigan - Connecticut - US Virgin Islands - Halloween - Illinois - Christmas (Bingo)








Kansas (Bingo)

This post is part of the #StateChallenge organized by @Kwiksatik and @Denise_Barlock. If you want to find out more, check out this post. You can also find other submissions by searching the #StateChallenge hashtag

What is our #StateChallenge meet-up schedule for the beginning of 2021?


Meet-up date

Texas - Guest Host - @Erna_LaBeau Jan 23, 2021
Guam (US Territory) - Guest Host - @jayasimha78 Jan 30, 2021
Alabama - Guest Host - @JordanSB Feb 6, 2021
South Dakota - Guest Host - @JaneBurunina Feb 13, 2021
Washington - Guest Host - @SilvyC Feb 20, 2021
Arkansas - Guest Host - @lakeoftea Feb 27, 2021
Maryland - Guest Host - @AdrianLunsong Mar 6, 2021
Tennessee - Guest Host - @SP31 Mar 13, 2021
Mississippi - Guest Host - @JaneBurunina Mar 20, 2021
Colorado - Guest Host - @LeyleyS Mar 27, 2021
Oregon - Guest Host - @anuspice Apr 3, 2021

Want to be a #StateChallenge guest host? Or know someone who should be? Let us know!

********************************************** REMINDER

ALL meet-up URLs will ONLY be provided from the #Statechallellenge Google Group. If you want to attend a #StateChallenge meet-up, you MUST join https://groups.google.com/g/local-guide-statechallenge where the meet-up URLs will be posted. To be approved as a member of the group, you MUST provide either your Connect ID, Connect Profile URL, or Google Maps Profile URL to validate that you are a Local Guide. Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:



“Even if you’ve never been there, learn what is there and maybe visit one day”

A perfect opening line @Denise_Barlock

Surprisingly, I notice that you did not list me as one of the previous winners :blush:

Nevertheless, I will be there to take the challenge with others on Saturday :+1:


@TusharSuradkar OH no! I missed your win for Kansas and @SilvyC for Christmas. I’ve added them in. I’m so sorry!


Pretty interesting @Denise_Barlock

*The Trivia Quiz is back, *A new challenge for the previous winners,

*Texas seems to be a great place to discover.




See you everyone tomorrow, this will be fun!! @Denise_Barlock :wink:

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Oh no, I missed it. I so wanted to join the Texas meetup. I will look forward to the next one. Thanks @Denise_Barlock for organizing this.

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