My name is Beny, I’m 29 years old for a few more months. I am of Central Java (Father) and Dayak (Mamak / Mother) blood. I am a newcomer in Bengkayang Regency. Nearly 3 years I lived in this area of many natural attractions. Unfortunately I have not had time to walk the road to witness the beauty of Bengkayang’s natural attractions, it is known because of busy work. For Bengkayang itself, the best place for family gathering is Lala Golden Bengkayang Hotel, which is currently the only magnificent hotel in Bengkayang Regency.
Well even though the hotel still does not have an automatic elevator, only the manual stairs up to the 3rd floor. Quite close to Bengkayang Market and strategically located to the border with Negara Malaysia (Jagoi Babang). Yes, the story continues later …