Tell me what you share on google maps and I will tell you who you are

We live in 21st century, my friends. What we share in our social media – we are. Its our day to day routine, pieces of our everyday life. You can love delicious food more than everything and thats exactly why you always eager to share restaurant with the yummiest something your variant in town. Or maybe you adore your cat and you take a million photos of your fluffy friend and, without a doubt, share it.

I love my family. Thats why the most photos I share is the photos of my family. All of these photos create a story of our family: where weve been, what weve seen, what weve been through and, afterwards, what weve become. Its funny and sad at the same time how fast life goes. And to remember bright moments you have to had some kind of trigger, reminder. Photos are good variant, I guess. They bring back memories and what is more important remind you who were by your side when this or that happened. Cool places are wonderful to find, but would they be that cool if not the people who surrounded you? Think about it.

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