Tatar Mosque πŸ•Œ

this mosque :mosque: is the biggest in Europe

last renovated has been done @ 2015

amazing architecture

also very beautiful interior design


beautiful Mosque @Mohamedsalah25

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Hello @Mohamedsalah25 ,

Thank you for sharing this beautiful photo with us. Were you there on a trip? Is it allowed taking photos inside the mosque?

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Ok :+1:t3:

and you can take photos inside mosque , but not on time for pray


Hi @BorrisS
i added more photos from inside


Hello @Mohamedsalah25 ,

Thank you for adding photos from the interior of the mosque, such a beauty!

I find that there are similarities between this internal decoration and the Turkish one.

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same , but outer design typically Russian


Woe never knew the biggest moosque in Europe is situated in Russia, will definitely go visit one fine day.

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