Taking 4k time lapse video of old part Cairo


Something about Egypt always gets me… Would love to visit there someday. Thanks for the photo!

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You should to try, the Pyramids is great!

Hi @Denisovd ,

Thanks a lot for sharing this! I love the 4k video, it gives such an in depth view of the city. Do you live in Cairo? Is it safe to travel there and what should I see?

I have traveled around Egypt for one month, and I used to live in Cairo for one week, that really nice and authentic place for traveling, but one week it is too much, I think the environment the same as in India, and everyone wants to scam you that’s annoyed, if you travel to Cairo in most tourist place it is safe and the police everywhere but you should be watching on your pocket) and Cairo Muslim city and in this city the man rules if you girl and you traveling alone it is could be dangerous, I would like to recommend you Giza (Pyramids place) Khan El Khalili (the largest bazzar in Africa), Cairo national museum, and you can go to Luxor there is two biggest temples in Egypt and placed not far from each other, and after that you can go to Hurgada to swim in the red sea, you can travel by bus it is safe and all tickets you can by in internet I can recommend you GoBus (transportation company)