? How was the meet-up about??How was the meet-up about? First of all thanks to all those Google Local Guides who came to this meetup. ??program outline.??. 01. Registration. 02. Introduction. 03.Visited places. 04. Lunch. 01. Registration - we had started registration from 12:00 PM. Registration was done by 1:00 pm but before that the program was started simultaneously.At the time of registration, it was seen that many people were absent. But some new people find it very nice to include me in this meetup.
_02. Introduction -_In introduction, I was the first to introduce myself to everyone.After this, according to the registration list, I introduced everyone to each other.?After this, I took a photo with all the people who came.? After this, everyone went inside to see Akbarβs tomb and started dragging a lot of photos here and there.?.
03. Visited place - After that we started doing all map editing.We covered the area from Sikandra to Gurdwara.We started with Sikandra first.
Between Sikandra to Gurdwara, we added a lot of shops and toilets. Along with some people were also taking photos here and there. 04. Lunch - We all came to the Google Local Guide Gurudwara and had lunch at the langar of the gurdwara.After lunch we all arrested in the gurdwara in 10 minutes.After this, we met the last and everyone left for their home. ???The next Meetup will be awesome.All the friends of Google Local Guide are doing good planning for that.That sweet will be at our India level which will become famous all over the world.???