Reaching out to see how many people from the 253 are out there and if you/they would like to meet up and give back a little to the city that loves us.


I live near the area and am interested in meeting other local guides.

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Sorry - I’m a little slow! I’ve been looking for other T-Towners/ Local Guides. If you 2 are still game - I’d love to hook up or plan an event.

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I replied to the e-mail I got but it may not come directly to you so I’m replying here. Throw out some possible dates and times and we will see what happens. I’m all for at the very least making new friends

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I’m in the 253 area. Please let me know if you plan something Tues-Thurs.

My girl and I are in the Tacoma area. Let us know.

If this line of conversation is still open. I am interested in a local guide meetup in the Tacoma WA area (area code: 253). Thursday and Friday are best days for me for a meetup.