Syrian Maza

المازة السورية وهي اطباق خفيفة مثل الحمص والمتبل والتبولة واليالنجي والكبة النية والكثير من الاطباق الاخرى التي تقدم بجانب المشروب المحلي (العرق ) وتعتبر تجربة فريدة وغنية بالنكهات


hello @Basharsho , thanks for sharing, we need a little more detail, it would be better if you write an article, for example, what makes this dish different? or where we can find this dish when we examine the maps, it would be much better if you share the locations

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Tabbouleh is a type of salad made of parsley, tomatoes, bulgur and olive oil. It is considered a main dish in Syrian mezze.

Moutabal is a mixture of mashed eggplant with yogurt, tahini and olive oil

You can find these items in addition to many other items in Syrian restaurants around the world. In Damascus, I prefer to eat them in Al-Mir Restaurant or Nanerj Restaurant