Sydney festival - Let's Meetup

G’day everyone. I hope you are all having a +Google Local Guides#LocalGuidesConnect plus +Google+​ wonderful holiday season. Best wishes to everyone and your loved ones for a super finish for 2017 and a magnificent start plus completely awesome happy healthy times for 2018.

We are looking at starting 2018 with a super fun Sydney Local Guides meetup with a photowalk event. Let’s be part of the #FestivalOfSydney together.

We need you all there and your ideas matter. Let’s get some suggestions going here please.

All you Sydney party people who love any excuse to be part of I.T. and sharing the fun, it will be great to hear from everyone.

Please put some ideas and suggestions here and we can make plans that suit a good group of wonderful Sydney Local Guides to have some fun!

Let’s take advantage of Sydney’s wonderful festive season and take part in the Festival of Sydney Lets make a date and arrangements as a group to be part of I.T all.

Pick an event peeps. Let’s make I.T. happen and get a whole lot of Sydney local guides Meetup together to share the fun!

#Sydney #GoogleMaps #SydneyLocalGuides #SydneyFestival #meetup #GoogleLocalGuides #fun #GooglePlus #festive #GoogleMapsLocalGuidesConnect #plans

Sydney Local GuidesGo Google Maps Local Guides Sydney Let's have some fun

Sydney events please look and choose a date and event for a Meetup. And share plus leave comments here in Local Guides Connect plus in Google+ Sydney Local Guides community too