I have both a personal Google Account and a separate Google account for my business (I originally signed up for the Local Guides program with my personal account). BUT I want to become a Trusted Photographer so that I can market my services to clients. I know that the Local Guides program only allows one Google account, so how do I proceed? Do I need to exit the Local Guide program for my personal account and only use my business account for posting photographs? I need to get credit for the photographs and panos I contribute. I’ve done way more than 50 panos throughout my career. The account management portion is all a bit confusing…
Hi @user_not_found
Please be informed that Local Guides is a program for individuals only. If you are a Business activity, you should not be in this program.
Also, as you’ve mentioned, Local Guides can only participate in the program with one account, we recommend that you exit the program on your corporate email when you’ve signed up on your personal email.
By the way I’ve relabeled your post. It now appears under How-tos Topic section label, because it fits better to it.
Thank you @MashaPS
So if I wanted to be a SVTP as a business that serves clients, how would I get started down that path?
Hey @user_not_found
You can start by reading the WHAT IT TAKES TO BE TRUSTED article and then follow the tips from this - Street View Trusted Photographer program FAQs.
Hope this is helpful.
@MashaPS I’ve reviewed the links you provided, but this info doesn’t provide any sort of distinction between individual photographers and agencies (photographers doing work for more than one client). In essence, I’m still confused as to whether I should be uploading photos under a personal account OR a business account? Isn’t there a Google management type account that would allow me to upload photos, panos for each local business that I serve?
from what you were just told, that is how things operate here, if you want to run a business by advertising your self that is not allowed here, unless your name is listed on the available for hire online list, in that way businesses will contact you them selves if it happenes that they need you. To enable that you need to change your settings on your Street View app, I hope you know how to do that as you have mentioned that you have more than 50 photos meaning that you know the requirements.
@Raphael-Mahumane - I’m not interested in promoting myself or my business on this forum. I really have just a basic question that I’m trying to get answered. I have searched extensively, but I can’t find the answer. My question is this…
“If I want to be part of the Trusted Photographer Program, should I sign-up/contribute using my personal Google account OR should I sign-up/contribute with my business Google account?”
That’s it. If anyone can provide insight into which login approach would be better long term (and also receive credit for 50 contributed panos to the correct account), it would be greatly appreciated.
Ok, I see, points can not be transfered from one account to another for now, if you only interested in contributing as a local guide you can use your personal account not business account. For your business you can use Google my Business to manage your business and do a lot of things such as creating ads or marketing and be able to interact with your customers directly from there. Business must be kept as business seperate from local guide, an individual.
@Raphael-Mahumane I appreciate the reply, but you’re still not grasping what my question is really about. Certainly I own a business, but my question isn’t about managing my business via my GMB listing.
My question is about how to best receive credit for any panos I post on behalf of MY CLIENTS, for the Trusted Photographer program. Do I submit these panos via my personal Google login account OR should I submit them via my business login account?
Yes, you can do it using your business account but you are not allowed to participate as a Local Guide here on Local Guide Connect, if you advertise your self on behalf of the business. By doing that you would have violated some of our rules here.