Surabaya is worth to exploring !

Surabaya is wonderful cuty, Its rapidly change , A lot . Im living in this city , I’ve been Surabaya changing dramatically .

The short thing to describe about Surabaya , is a giant park you can move around .

Glad to be your local guide during your visit

Lets get loss !

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Hey @herurezaldy ,

Thanks for sharing! Please feel free to show us some photos or list some places we need to visit. I’ve moved your message to the Travel and Advice board, because I think it fits better here. You can read some tips for when you’re giving travel advice here.

Hope you find this helpful!

  • Nadya
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Hai @herurezaldy welcome to Local Guides Connect. As mentioned by @NadyaPN its better if you include photos or story of your exploration in Surabaya. We know Surabaya is 2nd biggest city in Indonesia and of course there are lots of interesting things to explore here

Thank you Everyone .

I’m new on this platform , and need learn any further from all of you @BudionoS @NadyaPN

Im in line with @BudionoS , Surabaya has hidden interesting place worth to see . I’m living in this magnificent city , and expecting lot of people to come and see it .

Lets Get Loss !

Have a fabulous weekend !


Hey @herurezaldy ,

You are very welcome to Connect! If you want to learn more about the Local Guides program and our community, you should visit the Help Desk. There you’ll find a number of useful articles. You might start with the Tips: Using Local Guides Connect one. If you ever have any questions, you can go ahead Search the community to see if someone has already asked the same (and received an answer).

If you prefer engaging with video content, I’d recommend you to take a look at our Local Guides Youtube channel. You can start with the Getting Started with Local Guides playlist.

Hope this helps!

  • Nadya
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@herurezaldy well agree to disagree, Surabaya is a big city and also the traffic jam is really crazy.

and in my opinion is not a giant park, we cant move easily from this place to another place.