Supporting small business: Yes, We are can be find on Google Maps , but ... !

I got a call from a number not in my contact list in a middle of business meeting.

I am not able to pick up the phone then I short messaging, than woman introduced her self as Ranalia Rajut business owner, she lead a knitting hobbyist woman community in Depok area.

She do training for this community and coordinate if they shoud do exhibition in Indonesia or abroad.

She got my number from her colleage, friend of mine.

She know that I am a Local Guides and taking care of Google Maps.

She know that Google Maps can be her tools to rise her small bussines.

The problem is , her small business is already exist but the information is not so accurate, the phone number, position andshe receive a letter from Google but do not know what to do with the letter.

We make an appointment to meet up on her workshop so I can ask her permission to take some pictures for Google Maps.

The day we met, I can fix all she want and get approval from Google Maps.

The letter from Google she mention before is a verification letter from Google My Business.

Key in the verification code, and all settle. Googe My Busines site is exist.

I got her smile and she ask me if I can attend a workshop to introducing about Google Maps in front of her knitting community members next December 2020.

She show me her knitting and she tell that she love to use an ecological friendly yarn, at this moment it is difficult to find. The color of ecological yarn is not too bright compare with textile color.

Here what she show me :

Here is my review on Google Maps.

Do you have any experience like what I share ?


Wow! The pieces are rare!

You are indeed enterprising! Look at all the steps and stress you went through just to give her a good place on Google maps!

Your thoughtfulness towards the entire process is everything :clap:t3: :clap:t3:

Google maps really does makes a business to be more noticeable over others on the map especially after ‘getting the Google verification blue tick

Very few Verifications matter to me as much as my Google Blue tick.

Thank you foe helping this woman and bringing her into the world of; “Google my Business”.



Hai @Ewaade_3A .

Thank you for supporting of what I have done to help Small Business.

Your reply make me more confident to support them.

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy


@BudiFXW someone as motivated as you needs no support. You are sufficient by yourself. We are just accompanying you on this journey


Ha ha ha @Ewaade_3A .

You put me so high.

Thank you

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy


Yes! :muscle: :muscle:

You will never come down @BudiFXW


@BudiFXW These are great products! Thanks for sharing this! I like pieces that are handmade and very creative!