Front view of Polok Traders
During the lockdown period caused by COVID-19, many small businesses suffered as they were closed for more than 4 months. In the new normal, after the lockdown, they have opened the business and struggling to survive. I have decided to write about some small businesses in my area or where ever I go to promote their business by providing some vital information about them in my writing.
Inside View. Covid-19 has left a mark of frustration in the face of Mr. Ratan & other small businessmen
Pulak Traders is really a small insecticides shop village Chapri, Tangail, Bangladesh. Earlier it was a popular Decorator shop. It supplied Chairs, tables, cutleries, and sound systems to various social events in our village and nearby. But during this pandemic, all social events and public gatherings were stopped or restricted. As a result, the owner Mr. Ratan Mia closed his previous business. He had no income during the first phase of lockdown in 2020. Later he started this insecticides business.
Fish and Poultry Feeds
After closing the decoration business Mr. Ratan became very frustrated. But he saw little light while he visited a pond at the end of the village. The owner of the pond asked him where to get the fish feed during the lockdown. This question raised hope inside him and made an instant plan. At night he disclosed his plan to start this insecticide business. His wife liked his plan and this shop came into reality.
Mrs. Ratan is feeding a cow
In the morning he requested the Local Government Chairman to give him a dealership for selling fertilizer and insecticides. As per his request, the Chairman agreed. After few days he got his license to start this business. He took most of the goods in credit from the company and pay them weekly after selling. Along with the insecticides and fertilizer, he started to sell fish feed, poultry feed, and veterinary medicines also.
Mr. Ratan is milking a cow before leaving for home delivery
By this time, he sold all his cows and bought some high productive cows with calves. Though he took some loans from relatives for this. Now he has several cows that are giving milk every day. He also took lease some ponds from the other villagers and started cultivating fish there. He took one of his relatives as his partner in his fish project and took 50% financial support for the partnership.
Getting ready with milk to deliver from home to home.
During the first half of the day, he took care of the cows, milk them and feed the fish. By this time his elder son took care of the shop as his school is closed now. After lunch, Mr. Ratan goes to the shop, his son and wife took care of the cows and fish.
The view of Mr. Ratanâs pond
During the lockdown, he cannot bring milk to the local bazaar for sale. So, he started to sell them door to door. He took the order for milk from the villagers and deliver them by carrying it with his motorcycle. Fish sellers come to his home to buy fish from him. This way Mr. Ratan is doing his business very well during this pandemic. He is hopeful to start his decoration business soon as a branch of this insecticides business.
Catching fish to sell
Some general information:
Name: Polok Traders
Category: Insecticides Shop
Google Map link
Wheelchair Accessibility: No
Washroom Facility: No
Method of payment: Cash & Mobile Money accepted
Year of Establishment: 2020 (previous business started in 2017)
Starting Capital: 500000 Taka (1 USD = 84 Taka)
Loss for Covid-19: 800000 Taka (but nicely recovering)
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