Support Small Business : Make a decision, even it hurts.

Days ago I met Lindah, the Owner of Lindah Collection

She told me that this Covid-19 pandemic situation or in our country called Pembatasan Sosial Berskala besar (PSBB - Large scale Social Restriction), she should make a taft decision and hurt her feeling :

  • She should shut down her yoga and zumba class.
  • Her class for healthy food is decreasing significantly, nobody want to go outside their house.
  • She calculate the cost of her three floor rent space for fashion showcase, yogaa and zumba practizing and healthy food demo is not giving her cash flow income.
  • She make a dramatically decision by closing all activities in the three floor building and make her home as a base to her core business as a fashion reseller for Woman Moslem outfit and children dress.
  • It need a weeks to dismatle fashion show case, stock items and training room properties.
  • She should make a sale discount for her stocks item since it will make no room in her house.

She make a bold and rational decision even it ruining her dream to have fashion store and yoga and zumba training space.

She open the old banner in her home :

She sale discount sale through her social media.

Me and my wife make a list of our family that is fit with Lindah stock items and we send them by courier.

at least it help Lindah to have more space in her home .

As a small business entrepreneur, Lindah make a good decision even she must burried part of her dreams.


@BudiFXW Thanks for Sharing this post

We know many small entrepreneur are facing problems specially the one with rented space but her move to keep going will Surely let her fullfil her dream back once things are normal

Let’s keep supporting them



Yes @FalguniP .

Her decision to step back just to make her small business postion is more firm. After this pandemic shifting she will make a better steps.

#LGsforSmall Business

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@BudiFXW what a sad story. It is good of you to help out by purchasing some of her items when she is in need. I hope she has the strength to begin again when PSBB is lifted.

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  • Semoga wabah segera berlalu dan keadaan cepat membaik aminn
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