Support local during lockdown in Sydney

Lockdown is a difficult time for everyone but particularly for small business owners really struggling… small restaurants have a particularly difficult time because they not only are trying to manage the business and staff, but also food and waste. Friends and I have been trying to support these local businesses so here are 4 simple tips:

  1. pick a different place each week to order from
  2. buy a voucher for a friend or order something extra for them
  3. give the place a positive review (if justified) and place photos on social media
  4. use the opportunity to make it a ‘special night in’… helps the local business and ensures the monotony of lockdown is broken…


Une bonne initiative mon frère,je vous souhaite une bonne continuation :pray:

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I am doing the same @jarvanitakis I added them into the Google Map.

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Great idea @jarvanitakis my good mate @PennyChristie is in Sydney and I’m in Melbourne. We’ve been known to send things to each other for lockdown consolation :).

Make sure you pop those food photos on Maps too, not just your socials. They will have a quick short term impact on socials with people who know and follow you, but on Maps they will have a forever impact for people you’ve never and probably never will meet.



Awesome idea James @jarvanitakis We all need to help each other out at the moment. And your photos on Google Maps are great. It looks like you go to a lot of the same places I also go to in Sydney. When the lock down is all over I’ll organise a Local Guides meet up… and hopefully my buddy, and master meet-up organiser, @PaulPavlinovich can fly up from Melbourne to join in :blush:


I would be glad to come up @PennyChristie but I think honestly I would drive rather than fly so if a snap lock down is announced I can escape before its due to start and get home!!



Good thinking 99 @PaulPavlinovich :oncoming_automobile:

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That would be awesome