Super cheap and sweet cookies in Dushanbe, Tajikistan

Good day time friends

I would like to share with you some photos of the sweets which I usually buy from local master lady.

They are really nice and cheap. Each of them costs 1 tajik Somoni, it is about 0.20$

Unfortunately I don’t know how to translate their names in English but I will share the link where i described them in Russian. So Google may help to translate their names

[See their names here](http://Пухтупази хонаги кӯчаи Ахмади Дониш 16, Душанбе


Hello @Umed-Tajikistan

They look familiar to me. Especially the photo #4 from up down. We have it here in my country. The photos you the sweet you included here in your post available in a bakery shop.

Thanks you showed us.