With age I find it difficult to get up early morning and see the beautiful spectacle of sunrise. Now I have to be satisfied with watching a sunset. Not that a sunset is inferior to a sunrise, it is a question of convenience for the watcher. Both are epitomes of fleeting beauty, effects of admiring them persists long after the colour has faded. It boosts well being and enhances life.
Early January this year we were at Trisea, the famous confluence of Bay of Bengal, Arabian sea and the Indian ocean. There was a big crowd which had gathered to watch the spectacle. As the event unfolded in the sky a palpable awe descended on the people watching from the shore. See the video belowHello Sir! @Gautamda thanks for sharing the beautiful picture of sunset from Kanyakumari.
Thank you very much Ishant for liking my post. I am very new to this forum and appreciation from fellow local guides will help me to do better. Best wishes.
Hi @Gautamda
Please be sure to follow of our community policy. There are some parts of the first photo in your post which do not appear to be your own. Can you edit your post. For tips on creating your own great posts on Connect, please see this post How do I follow the original content guidelines on Connect?
However, as a reminder of posting on Connect, please refrain from using external sources, whether it is text or imagery.
If you ever have questions or just want to learn more about the Local Guides program, you can visit the Help Desk and How do I search on Connect? to find what others have already shared.
You are wrong this photograph was clicked by me on my iPhone at Trisea, Kanyakumari in January 2019. If I am not mistaken I also posted it in Google map. Please check. I am touching 70 years and you cannot unnecessarily accuse me of plagiarism. If you so wish please recheck and confirm.
Thank you for sharing your post with us @Gautamda
FYI: When you replay to a post please use ā@ā before the persons name (like if you want to reply to me then use @AbdullahAM ); so that he/she will get a notification about your reply and they can see your reply.
Thanks for the information.
Hi @Aruni
You are wrong this photograph was clicked by me on my iPhone at Trisea, Kanyakumari in January 2019. If I am not mistaken I also posted it in Google map. Please check. I am touching 70 years and you cannot unnecessarily accuse me of plagiarism. If you so wish please recheck and confirm.
Hi @Gautamda
After some checks we have noticed that the pictures that you have uploaded are actually yours, so we have decided to reinstate back your post. We do checks from time to time in order to promote personalized contents on Connect, so we encourage Local Guides to be as original as possible. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this.
Is it your first visit there? Can you share a bit more information about the place and your experience while taking these photos. I think it will be interesting for other Local Guides.
Hi @AbdullahAM
Thank you very much for your guidance. It helped.
Hi @Aruni
I am happy to receive your mail.
It was indeed my first visit to Trisea Sangam. I will be write more details but do you want me to edit and incorporate additional information? Personally I feel it will have to be a separate post. Let me know please.
Through an oversight I had deleted many photos from that trip after posting them on Google maps. I wonder if I can link those with my new post. Will be happy to hear from you soon.
I like viewing the sunset in the autumn.
Hi @Gautamda
If you ever have questions or just want to learn more about the Local Guides program, you can visit the Help Desk and How do I search on Connect? to find what others have already shared.
Have fun in Connect and Iām looking forward to seeing your next great photos and travel adventures.
@Gautamda woww, ,beautiful sunset!!
Hi @Louisa thank you very much for liking my post.
Hi @Nyainurjanah Thank you very much indeed for liking my post.